Someone I’ve never really been close with just called me. No text. We never really got along and haven’t spoken in maybe 4 years? I let it ring but then no message or anything. I’m wondering if it was a wrong number situation or if there was something deeper.

  1. Might of been a pocket dial. No harm to send a text like hey what’s up? Unless you really dont want to interact with them ofc.


  2. You could have texted to ask if they meant to call you or to clarify who it was. It doesn’t sound like they meant to call.

    This actually recently happened to me. A good friend I hadn’t spoken to in years called me. I texted to see if they meant to call, actually a little happy if they were reconnecting. Nope! They had a new phone and called me by accident so it was disheartening they had no interest in talking again, but texting is the best way to ask without having to talk to anyone.

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