So, I have been using a dating app. I’m not sure how, but I matched with this guy who is not in my country. He did say he has family here, though, and comes here once in a while but not near me. It was strange.

This man is beautiful! Like, dear lord. I’ve never met someone who has actually made my jaw drop. Like, wow. The most beautiful smile I’ve seen in my life. And his accent is super adorable. We texted and then asked to video chat. He is so smart and well traveled. Genuinely way out of my league. Apparently, he hangs out with rich, smart people. (I did my stalking. Not Tinder swindler).

Anyway, the banter was amazing. I have not had so much fun talking to a guy in such a long time. However, he starts hinting and sexual stuff. Nothing crazy but just saying things like, “oh you are so hot . If I was there, I wouldn’t resist you.” Blah blah. I kinda brushed it off with banter. The second night, I entertained it a bit more, but once again, it didn’t go too far.

I got a message from another friend that I had kissed before he left to another city, saying that he now had a gf and due to that wanted to cut contact with me since we had some romantic past. I felt kinda icky since I considered him a friend first. I felt like he only liked my company when horny.

Anyway, that made me think and I ended up deleting the dating app. But I would have really liked to have spoken to the guy more. However, I didn’t know if it would be another case of him only liking me when horny?. Besides, when we’re we ever going to see each other ?

He genuinely the perfect man besides the issues mentioned. I’m soo disappointed. Kinda wanna reach out on insta, but I don’t know!

  1. Make sure it’s really him. Reach out on insta and you’ll find out. But also foreign men are sweet talkers and sometimes have other intentions … or married and bored so talking to someone in another country is safe for them.

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