I’m a guy who’s about to start a new relationship and it’s headed to the bedroom. I’ve been in enough of these to know that what women want varies greatly and there’s one area in particular where I have difficulty knowing what to do.

When I’ve had my tongue, lips and fingers in her lady parts (I love doing that by the way) and I can feel her orgasm build and eventually the first contraction – what do I do then?

From past experience where the woman eventually told me what she wanted at that moment it fell into one of three categories:

\- A. Just keep doing exactly what you were doing. I’ll tell you when to stop!

\- B. Doesn’t matter. Once it starts it’s on cruise control and you’re just along for the ride.

\- C. Stop! A little lip pressure might be OK but anything else and you’ll screw it up.

So what’s your pleasure ladies? A, B, C or is there more I didn’t think of?

Thanks. You might help make another lady happy…….




  1. It varies, but for most of us ladies, keep doing exactly what you’re doing until she pushes you off her.

  2. Guy here, but in my experience, keep doing exactly what you’re doing unless she tells you otherwise. You don’t want to get her to the climax only to stop it once it starts.

  3. I don’t think you’ll ever go wrong with A. Just know that generally once the orgasm has peaked, the clit can become overly sensitive and it doesn’t feel great. It’s the same thing when you nut and she still suckin. It can hurt.

  4. I don’t change a thing. That is what got her there. After she comes, I lick her pussy and clit lightly for another five minutes or so

  5. Whatever the fuck she tells you. If she says nothing then just keep doin what ur doin 👍🏻

  6. You’ve answered your own question here by listing out the different experiences you’ve come across – it differs from woman to woman. There’s no way of any of us knowing or guessing what the next woman you’re with is going to want. So just…ask her.

  7. A. Always A. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. You’ll know when the last wave goes through her and THEN you can change things up. If it’s working, keep doing it.

  8. My advice is put two fingers in her pussy while you eat her. You will then be able to gauge if “just keep doing exactly what you were doing” will work. I would also get familiar with her body signs. One good one is whether her clit stays out and erect or goes into hiding. If it hides, don’t chase it, but switch to the hood or the lips. If she is in the right state for multiples or waves that are more like a continuous orgasm, you will figure that out.

    I will say shaking thighs usually indicate you are getting close to too sensitive. This is not 100% true, so having some other guide (like fingers in a pussy? Yes, like fingers in her pussy) to confirm whether it is helping her build or bringing her down, is good.

    The truth is each person is different. Some have one and continued pressure causes too much sensation. As a corollary, ever have a women continue with a very hard blowjob after you came? Not fun, right? Okay, some people are masochists and love the extreme ongoing blowjob.

    If she is open to talking, she can tell you.

    BTW, if you spend a lot of time teasing, most women will eventually do something to ensure you give them an orgasm and will often go from there to keep you doing what they want (like mash your head into their pussy to keep you going).

  9. I prefer a little bit of A (keep doing what you’re doing), then when things reach the ultimate peak it can get intense/hypersensitive (my movements get a little jerky so I think that’s how he can tell), so just a consistent flat tongue press, with a finger curling up stimulating me from the inside (not too hard or fast, just at a steady pace). That keeps the orgasm going for me for another minute or so. Then, as the intensity starts to subside, more gentle variations of licking/sucking while still using a finger inside to stimulate. I can keep orgasming like this over and over in succession for several minutes, until I tap out from exhaustion.

  10. I say A until she says “I’m cumming” and then I say slow it down a lot or just hold constant pressure there. It sucks when he pulls away too early!

  11. Most of the time, I really don’t want the guy to stop. If it’s too much for me, I’ll make it known.

    And I’m kind of glad that most guys don’t stop, actually. I cum pretty fast usually. One of the best feelings in sex is getting my orgasm, and having him cum in me while I’m still feeling the high.

  12. I’m an A kinda girl. If it starts and you change it up or stop it can set me right back to square one. Usually it’s taken me a while to get to that point so that becomes very frustrating.

  13. A. Always A. For me at least. Don’t change a single solitary thing – the speed, rhythm, etc. Keep doing *exactly* what you were doing. If it brought me to climax, I want you to keep doing it through the climax. I’ll push your head away when it’s over and I’m too sensitive.

  14. I say A as well. Ride it out with her and then go gentle. But if you stop too soon, she’ll have that orgasm snatched away. Yes, some women might like b or c, but a is safest and if they are b or c they will probably let you know.

  15. Defo don’t change ANYTHING!!!!!! If I’m close to orgasm and anything changes in any way it throws me completely
    Off and it disappears. Even through the orgasm keep doing everything the same until told

  16. A until she stops you or you’re very sure it over, don’t stop what you’re doing just keep going at exactly the same pace and she will ride it out a go wild

  17. If you sense she is bout to pop keep doing exactly what you were were doing when noticed she was about to get off. Same speed, same rhythm, same intensity.

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