So recently me (19M) and my girlfriend? (18F) recently broke up if you can call it that, the relationship was weird she said she wanted to try everything out and so did I since I have zero experience with dating (hence why she was my first everything so far, first kiss etc.) One day after taking her home from college classes we got some food and talked a bit in the car, where I asked her, “Hey do you want to officially be a couple.” Mind you this is after kiss and making out multiple times and she says yes.

So after dropping her off and going home I text her I made it back safe, I get a text from her saying that I’m a really sweet and awesome guy but she doesn’t like me romantically and had been trying to force herself to like me like that for a while now but couldn’t, I told her I didn’t want her to force herself to do anything she didn’t want to do and that I understood. But I feel like I could have done something wrong or anything, or maybe its just because this was my first time dating.

So with all this does anyone have any advice or helping thoughts with all of this.

1 comment
  1. In this case, it doesn’t sound like anything you did caused her to feel this way. Dating is tricky and there’s no “right way” to go about it. Every relationship/situationship/whaterver-ship you have/will be in will look different.

    Sometimes, the “spark” just isn’t there, and that isn’t your fault. While one person might be really invested, that doesn’t mean that the other person is. Even if she said “yes,” it could have also been her trying to push herself into developing feelings. If those feelings aren’t there, they aren’t there. I don’t think you did anything wrong. Just be patient with yourself.

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