Do you like or have guns? If so why or why not?

  1. Husband has guns, I don’t. I’m neutral towards guns myself. So long as they’re stored in a responsible manner, they can be in our home. I don’t find them exciting. I’m a terrible shot, and loud noises grate on my nerves.

  2. No and no, I don’t like guns nor have any.

    The why not is more complex.

    Why I don’t have a gun can be mostly summed up to the fact that I grew up in a European city. People don’t have guns here, even the drug dealers are more likely to have knives and such. Our most dangerous and violent city in the country, known for us to have a gun violence problem, had 31 deaths by gun in 2022, for 900k inhabitants. People simply don’t have guns in most of the country, especially not in big cities, and people who have them don’t usually love them, they just have them around the house as a heritage, or for a few to go hunting sometimes. And I’m no hunter. There’s no point in me having a gun.

    I don’t like guns because I think they’re dangerous when used improperly, and everyone thinks they’re a responsible gun owner until they aren’t. I think they give you a feeling of false safety and might lead you to escalate altercations. I think they make it easier to take out your anger on someone, even on yourself – I also don’t own a gun because while I’m overall much better, my history of mental health issues means I don’t trust myself to have a gun around. Basically I think they’re a tool of violence, and so they don’t need to be hated, since they’re just a tool, but I don’t want to be around them.

    Going to places in the US that have a lot of wildlife has changed my mind a little bit, and I understand a certain form of protection might be needed in some areas just in case. That’s not my situation though

  3. I don’t like or dislike them, but I have no need for one. I live in Australia, where you have to actually have a reason to have a gun (and no, “self defence” isn’t a reason.)

  4. Don’t like, don’t have, don’t feel like anyone should have access to them outside of thoroughly trained and screened professionals.

    They’re made for killing, if we’re not allowed to kill people then what sense does it make that we’re allowed to have guns? And people claiming “self-defense” make no sense either, they’re gonna have time to run to the safe to retrieve the gun? Or if it’s not in a safe, then the attacker can get to it first, or a child.

    I’m brazilian, the cesspool dweller that used to be president here until last year is veeery pro-gun and ex-military, so in theory he’s trained to use them. Years ago he was mugged and the guy *took his gun*. Self-defense my butt.

    Edit to add: I get the recreational appeal, shooting is fun! That’s what nerf guns are for. Bun even BB guns are a no from me, they can seriously hurt someone.

    Edit #2 because I can’t believe I forgot to mention this: my dad owned a gun when I was little. One night he got home drunk and my mom confronted him about being out late, so naturally he took his loaded gun and threatened to kill her, me and my sister. He might have done it if she hadn’t literally run out of the house with us. No guns in my house, thanks.

  5. I have a couple, husband has a few more. We used to live in the desert and we’d go recreational shooting quite often, set up little galleries etc. Now we live in a city so they sit in a safe until we can get to the range which is such a different and completely less fun experience tbh. As for why, we keep one for protection as we’ve been robbed before, but the others are just for fun.

  6. I live in a dangerous city. That’s a fact. My husband owns quite a few given his line of work, as a result I’ve come to own one too. I have no feeling towards guns because it’s the Wild West down here in New Orleans, but the reality of it violent crime is out of control. There’s a real chance that I might need to fend for my life at a red light, pumping gas, walking to or from my car, literally in my own front yard. It’s unnerving how bad it’s really become.

    I suppose I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. So the short answer is yes, and I hope I never need to use it. I will say though, I had to pepper spray someone and that worked immediately. Empty the can

  7. I have one for hunting and I don’t think people should be able to have guns unless it’s for a good reason.

  8. I have a phobia of guns. I used to really freak out then I dated a gun guy who worked with me to help. I got to where I could hold it unloaded and not have a panic attack so that’s good enough for me. I don’t care if people own them, I just do not like them. I was always scared bc my dad chased us around threatening to kill my whole family when I was maybe 5-6.

  9. Few years ago, un-amed cousin inlaw was killed at home…random home invasion…they decapitated her with a sword…family found the body.

    For the rest of our life, head on a swivel, situational awareness, and always be prepared to defend yourself… because she was not, and now she’s dead.

    I’m not kidding….this actually happened…wish it didn’t, but it changes you.

  10. My husband and I own two guns and we’re purchasing a third one (smaller for my hand). Well aside from the simple fact that going to the shooting range is a fun activity. It makes me feel much safer knowing that I know how to and can protect myself if there is a threat.

  11. No. As an Australian I don’t see the point. I cannot imagine a situation where a gun would make me safer (at least not till the zombie apocalypse starts). So while I could get one if I wanted, I don’t need or want one.

  12. No, because:

    1. it’s expensive
    2. I don’t have enough arm strengh to hold a gun correctly and bear the recoil
    3. I don’t have the necessary mental health to safely purchase or carry guns

  13. Don’t have any, don’t really like them, but as soon as I’m out of college and living on my own, I will be taking a gun safety class and getting one. I grew up with male family members who love hunting and gun collecting, so I’m familiar with having them around.

  14. We have two guns in my house, both of which are locked up and not currently in use. I’d like to learn to shoot so I can hunt. (For food, not *just* for sport. It’s healthier and more sustainable than buying factory-farmed meat.)

  15. I don’t like guns and personally prefer not to ever handle them. I have gone shooting with my husband and did not find it enjoyable. With that said, my husband was into competitive shooting in his teens and early 20’s and it’s something he still enjoys as a hobby. We have a large safe full of all kinds of guns – but the rule we agreed to as a compromise is that if we’re going to keep guns in our house, we cannot also have ammo. I know that sounds ridiculous from a home protection standpoint but it was the line I drew. We have mace and a taser for home protection. If he wants to go shooting, he buys the ammo at the range just before the start of the session.

  16. Yes. My husband has more than I think is necessary, but we live in an area where there are several different apex predators and I was always taught to carry when I was out camping or in the wilderness. It’s always been a somewhat normal thing as my grandparents had a huge ranch and I learned to shoot before I could see over the steering wheel so I could watch for coyotes during calving season.

  17. My husband and I own a 9 mm for home defense, but we don’t carry it around and I wouldn’t consider either of us to be gun nuts

  18. We don’t currently own a gun but have considered getting one. I don’t like guns but I’m not opposed to having ONE handgun in the house. We have a safe for it and would not tell anyone that we have it. My father is a gun owner and he has a few. I was raised going to the shooting range, learned all about gun safety but still have discomfort. I can only shoot in an outdoor range now because the noise at the indoor range is just too much for me and frankly, I just feel nervous in that space. Even though I went countless times growing up. We took the gun safety course and passed our safety test in order to be able to purchase and register a gun in our state, we just haven’t done it yet.

  19. I am not against guns for protection and hunting purposes. My boyfriend owned a gun for protection in case anyone broke into our house. However once we had our first child we got rid of it. It’s stupid to own a gun for protection when you have to lock it away, unloaded, and in a hidden safe so your child can’t get to it. And even then I would still be worried about them getting into it!

  20. I have three airsoft guns, only: a classic Red Ryder, a slightly larger bb rifle, and a pellet handgun. I enjoy target shooting/marksmanship but have no desire to own true firearms that could hurt anyone.

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