What is (or was) the most difficult part of pregnancy for you (or your partner, or other woman you know who is/was pregnant)?

  1. For me, with my first pregnancy, it was when I had horrible night time heartburn that kept me from being able to sleep for long stretches. I ended up taking my pillow to our kitchen table and sleeping upright in the chair with my head laying on the pillow. Except that I can’t really sleep upright.

    With my second pregnancy, the nausea was the hardest to deal with.

    With my third pregnancy, it was the anticipation of having to give birth again, after the second one was painfully induced. Induction was the most pain I have ever experienced in my life.

  2. For me was being tired all the time and never getting one good night of sleep .

    I actually hated being pregnant, I even preferred the newborn phase

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