As having worked as bouncer for clubs in hollywood and dtla i can say first hand that short dudes definitely get into creeper territory in a club setting. Most will be fine and get along well into the night but there will always be that shorter stocky guy following women around that are clearly not feeling him. I usually go up and put my hand on their chest and tell them politely if they dont leave those women alone they would be escorted out of the establishment. Can someone explain why this is almost always a thing.

  1. I’m sure it’s a thing for teller guys to u just don’t put any emphasis on it. I’ve met tall guys that are horrible at game and follow chick’s around and don’t get the hint. They just land more random success because they are tall. Not because they have any better game or anything. Guys in general are pretty creepy and don’t kno when to leave a girl alone and understand she doesn’t really want to talk to u. And some small guys have complexes or huge egos that mess with them.

  2. OP created a new account to post the same exact thing on multiple subreddits. You need help bruh.

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