So me and my girlfriend got together almost right after her breakup. I know it wasn’t the right thing to do and had to give her sometime, but she sweared it was alright so i went with it. A month and a half later turns out she texted him about her feelings. Texted him for almost two months, just checking on each other, after two months it ended. This was in summer so just before Christmas i was having doubts about her loyalty, and had to be 100% convinced that she was the one since she would meet my parents on Christmas dinner.

So about 19th December i decided to snoop around in her phone. Found out about everything, searched for explicit texting but didn’t really find anything, but still i was very devastated and heartbroken. So i just decided to head home and calm down. Texted her about everything and she confessed everything, turns out the most of the i love yous and other bs that she was saying was not true, but said that she had developed huge feelings for me past two or three months. Still i was very much in love with this girl and blinded by her tears and “love” decided to not forgive, but try to move on still.

Had a rough way till this day. The whole thing was like a ticking time bomb as i read the old messages and just felt so stupid of myself, how i couldn’t tell all of this. Came to a point where i just decided to end things all together. It must be said that she now really does love me. We are both in university, so i still see her sometimes. Broke up two days ago and she’s been crying ever since. And by that i mean REALLY crying to the point that im really worried. Still checks on me somtimes, but try to have as low of a contact as possible.

This brings us to this day. I really do not know what to do. Told her that i had to think about everything, but made it certain that she should not set any hopes of use together, since if we don’t get back together it will be worse for her to leave on by such dream. I still really want what’s best for her and still really do love her with my whole heart. Just need some advice what to do, should i even try to forget everything and get back together with her, should this even be an option?

  1. She was bullshitting you about her feelings for him, and she’s mostly sad that she has to face the consequences—not remorseful for actually having done it. You should have done this on the 20th of December, not in September. Learn your lesson for the next time someone betrays your trust.

  2. I mean honestly, if someone doesn’t feel that they are satisifed in their relationship enough and has to reach out to an ex is an automatic bye bye. You deserve somone who will be content with you and only you. You are young, it’s gonna hurt by nature, be confident and do not maintain contact. You’ll be over it by 3months max

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