I have to vent this out… I’m a female high school student and moved two years ago from another country. I generally prefer to be around people than being by myself. In my country, I used to be very social, literally a clown, and often around people of all genders and personalities – hanging out, chatting tons, having loads of fun, genuinely being ourselves. However, since I moved, I feel like I haven’t been able to actually be myself anymore. Is it because of language barriers? Or maybe because I have spent most of my life indulged in another culture? Like… what’s going on? What I miss something? It’s just hard for me to engage in any conversation because I don’t have any inputs upon it, and when I do it’s not smooth at all, I don’t even know how to be funny anymore; and it’s not like Im lacking confidence, I tend to be confident- like a lot of ppl look up to me- Im also well involved in sports and Im not afraid of initiating something. I have made colleagues along the way which I will occasionally talk to but no friends at all; it does not help that I just got transferred again- and you know the new kid drill, most of my new colleagues have known each other since middle school so they hang out a lot. I still like being around people but I can’t bring myself to be able to act the same way so that I can be around them more often. What would you suggest me to do? I just want to be myself for the sake of having fun again and be able to create deeper relationships.

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