I was with my ex for almost 5 years until I snooped on his computer in December only to find he was cheating, lying to me, controlling finances, lying about me to people, using my health issues for sympathy, gaslighting me whenever i noticed something was off and a whole lot more.

Moved back in with my parents (I should add I moved across the country for this man 2 years ago and went through hell and back the first few weeks thanks to his mum) and all is well now that I’m out of there and enjoying my life.

A few weeks ago he got back into contact with me saying he wants me back, I reminded him why I broke up with him and told him nothing he can do will change my mind. I’m not gonna live in fear it might happen again even though he says he’s changed; I won’t know that unless it happens again or I continue being paranoid it will happen again. After that conversation, he said he got me a gift. I told him he can redirect it and return it because it’s not changing my mind, he said it’s fine he has no use for it I should keep it. Well it’s an expensive stethoscope to replace the one my parents got for my birthday in 2020 that got stolen at work. The original one was sentimental to me as well as useful for work and I was devastated when it was stolen. He even engraved this one with my name like the other one. A week or two later, a pop vinyl he wanted to get me as a parting gift before i moved back here showed up in the mail and a few days ago i got an auspost notification saying i have a package from pandora. When it arrived, i saw his phone number in the sender info and I don’t know what to do.

Would it be bad if I just pawned off the Pandora bracelet and pop vinyl? I can’t deal with this anymore. I can’t handle constant reminders. Hell the stethoscope is bloody hard to keep around but I keep it for work because I actually use it. Will probably pawn it off when I leave nursing for good though.

TLDR; cheating ex buying me gifts and wants me back, he’s already been told gifts won’t work. Will it be bad if i pawn them off so I don’t have constant reminders of him?

  1. This is just another way he’s trying to control you. So yeah, block him, reject the packages, and sell what you can to better your life.

  2. Seems like you should just ignore him and use or get rid of the stuff as you see fit.

    But stop communicating with him and block him everywhere you can.

  3. They were “gifts”. Very manipulative gifts, but anything gifted to you is yours to do as you wish. Pawn them, donate them, smash them to bits, your call.

    Also, block this guy, delete his number, get rid of any way that he can contact you. Love bombing is a manipulation tactic. Don’t put up with his crap.

  4. Either return to sender/refuse delivery, or pawn them. Do not acknowledge them. Block him on everything you can block him on.

    He’s just attempting to manipulate you and buy your attention. If you’re not for sale, then you’re not for sale.

  5. I’d get rid of all the stuff. You can refuse packages at the door (if you’re around at dropoff time). You can write “return to sender” on letters. Anything that does get through, donate to charity with a happy heart.

    This guy is bad news. Ignore/block/suppress him and live well!

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