I’ve asked a few friends before, but I get mixed responses so I thought I’d ask here.

What are your thoughts on upgrading/changing your wedding ring a few years down the track? To be clear, you’re still happily married, but is it ok to want to change to a newer/better/flashier/more expensive ring, and put away or sell the one from your wedding day?

We upgrade our wardrobe, we upgrade our car, we even upgrade our homes, so I figure you should be allowed to change your ring.

  1. If you’re not going into debt to buy it, you’ve maxed out retirement and your emergency fund is padded then, sure.

  2. My mom just did this and she’s thrilled. And I’m thrilled for her. When you’re together long enough your rings may become less stylish, or your preferences change, or sometimes we just have the money we didn’t have when getting engaged.

    I think to upgrade your ring shows that you believe in a future together just as strongly now as you did when you first got engaged.

    People renewing their vows doesn’t mean they no longer believe in their first ones. I think the same goes with the ring. But personally, I wouldn’t get rid of the original if I could afford to keep it. But that’s just because I’m the sentimental type.

  3. I’ve done it a couple times – lost the first one and than wanted a nicer one. Always given on our anniversary.

  4. I think its a great idea. My husband proposed when we were young and we couldnt afford much. Its been a few years and we just bought a much nicer ring. Its only a few hundred dollars difference..but it suits me more and we’re both super excited!

  5. My wife and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary and we upgraded the setting, but re-set the stone. Figure I’ll update the stone for our 10 year and set the original stone in a necklace. Wife loved the idea and has been thrilled with her new ring.

  6. I did the opposite. I got a plain thin gold band and I LOVE IT! It’s so much easier and more comfortable to wear. I work in healthcare and wash my hands a lot, my fingers don’t swell around it . I barley ever wear my original wedding ring any more even though it’s absolutely gorgeous

  7. Don’t have a strong thought one way or another – I think it really is to each their own. My husband has offered to upgrade the stone as he isn’t happy with the size but I don’t see the need. I’m good- we love to travel and all I can think is that would pay for a trip to…but honestly I love my ring. He designed it and put a lot of thought and effort and research into it.

  8. I think that’s common or at least, not weird. People get 5 year and 10 year anniversary rings sometimes. Why not an upgrade? Oh, my mom did this actually, I just remembered lol

  9. It’s up to the couple to decide. My husband and I have already decided on upgrading my engagement ring and possibly my wedding band every few years. There is no right or wrong. The ring is just a symbol of your marriage not the commitment itself.

  10. Just be sure to talk it out. My husband tried to surprise me by “upgrading” my ring but it just made me really sad, led to him feeling disappointed in me preferring the ring he proposed with. To him it was a reminder of how little he could afford but to me it was representative of the hopes and dreams for our future. Just discuss it and choose together, at the end of the day that’s what matters not the price tag or the ability to upgrade.

  11. You can do whatever you what. There is no “allowed”.. but I’ll keep my ring forever. I love it and the sentimental attachment I have to it can never be beaten by something else no matter how flashy.

    Though to be fair I’m not upgrading any of those other things either. I’m poor af.

  12. Of course it’s OK!

    My mom upgraded every 5 years or so. Her ring is huge! And we aren’t particularly wealthy.

    Me on the other hand, it’s not something I’m interested in. I like my small ring because it reminds me of where we started. I can’t believe he even had the money to get me a ring.

    It’s all just personal preference. If you want to upgrade- go for it!

  13. We have changed a few times. My first ring was gold, and it gave me a bad rash and was also a standard fit. Now I wear a tungsten ring with a comfort fit and it’s so much better. My wife had her bands and original engagement ring melted down and had a custom ring made.

  14. We married young (both 18). We didn’t have money for a nice ring, so we used our wedding money gifts to buy something inexpensive for her. I don’t like to wear jewelry so I’m not missing out by not having one. Took about 12 years to get to the point where we could replace it with a proper ring. She never spends money on herself, so it took some encouraging from me that this was ok. We got her a beautiful set of quality rings that she cherishes a great deal. That’s money well spent in my mind.

  15. We’ve been married 30 years. Jewelry is something I enjoy.

    My original set is there, but it has changed over the years. We have added a diamond ring guard around the original set, soldered the bands together, and the original diamond in my engagement ring has changed a few times.

    We added two diamonds so there were three for a few years, then went back to one center stone.

    It doesn’t change our commitment and my husband doesn’t care. It sort of amuses him to see how one piece can maintain the original but still be changed.

    I’m done with my wedding rings now, and have the ring he bought me for our 25th anniversary to play with 🤣

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