I’m in college and there’s this cute guy in my class. I want to approach him and give him my number but I don’t want to be a creep… do guys like to be approached?

  1. As a guy that’s 100% really attractive. Could always try sitting by him first to get to know him and feel out the chemistry

  2. Smile at him, maybe wave. Look him in the eyes but not too long. Ask him for a pen/pencil. Ask him a question regarding the lesson. It sounds counterintuitive but you basically have to treat him like a normal person, but make an effort to interact with him. Converse and eventually lead the conversation to sharing social media profiles or phone numbers. Don’t go nuts texting him all the time. If he likes you back, it will be pretty obvious

  3. Catch him in the hallway before or after class and say hi, aren’t you in my class? If he’s interested he will follow up.

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