Everytime my gf and I have sex, we always reach climax but for her, there is no physical evidence. She gets to the point where she is extremely sensitive to the touch of her pussy and nipples and that is after she says she has cum already. On the condom there is some residue of what could be her cum but she does not squirt or cream really.
Is she lying or do not all girls do one or the other? (I know she isn’t lying either when she says she came lol)

  1. There’s usually no “physical evidence” whatsoever for women. Sometimes the man can feel the pulsing on his dick when it’s inside but that’s usually it.

  2. Do you assume there is a light that blinks somewhere or you get a push notification on your phone? Plenty of women cum without any fluid coming out or any outward sign. Some women go totally silent and still then say “OK I came.” It’s a big world full of different people and some don’t make a fuss when coming and other people turn into the Tasmanian Devil.

  3. People, particularly women, don’t always have physical “proof” that they came. The real head spin is that guys can orgasm without cum too, but typically we dont

  4. Women don’t ejaculate like men do. Level of wetness does not equal indicator that they came or not.

  5. Female orgasms can vary a lot. And physical evidence… well, that’s usually not really a thing. Like, my vagina usually leaves some juice on condom, one time a guy said I must have come really hard, well, not really that time, just a regular one.

    Her being sensitive after orgasm definitely sounds about right. But that can vary a bit, sometimes I feel like any more pleasure could hurt, sometimes the attention afterward feels good. And the actual physical orgasm things vary a lot. My legs and arms often twitch a bit when I come. Sometimes I need to hug the guy. Sometimes I feel mild pulsing, sometimes it’s super intense and my vagina throbs really hard. The guys I’ve been don’t really often comment about what they feel afterward. Sometimes they say they didn’t feel much, sometimes they said they felt my vagina pulse, sometimes they said they felt my vagina grab their dick lol.

  6. The physical evidence will be her response. She will”lose herself” in some way. Either making a face she can’t help making, called an o face. Or maybe her chest and neck will flush red as her breathing becomes short and more frequent as if she sounds out of breath. Or she might be a screamer. This one is not as easy of a tell for us to read because it’s also the number one way they fake it, but you will know of its a scream she couldn’t contain or a wavering wail that wasn’t intended, if you are in tune to her at all. The first two, however, can not be faked nearly as easily. Red flush is the best way to tell. Also you will just see it in her eyes and in her expression either like a OMG surprised expression or a frown styled hell yes expression. Usually accompanied by sounds she doesn’t make for ANY OTHER reason. When you see it you’ll know. If you’re unsure you either need to pay more attention to her reactions or she didn’t cum.

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