For the last few years, I’ve been living with a really positive mindset, evidenced by how negative everyone else around me can be sometimes. I find positive aspects in very basic things. I’m so pleased by simple things like trees, or the colour of the sky, or a normal cup of tea or a hug, I really believe that little things aren’t little. I think 50 years from now, I’ll remember how at peace I felt sitting in my garden doing nothing.
Sometimes I’ve heard jokes about how when I compliment something or react positive about something, in the vein of “Well, you like everything so it doesn’t really count.” Not worded like that, but near it.
I’ve also grown up in a very boring country, but I’ve taught myself to find joy in it. I wonder if others think because I haven’t been exposed to experiences that my standards are really low, and that makes my opinion less critical and valuable.
It doesn’t seem right to me, but maybe someone can take another perspective of this that might make more sense. Thank you!

  1. Well, not that it matters at all but of course, if you like and enjoy everything, the singular instance isn’t that special anymore.

  2. Joy is infectious. Keep it up. Your opinion is valuable as long as the people around you respect you and, inversely, you hold their opinions valuable and respect them back. Which is likely the case if you are fun to be around and you overall keep a positive attitude.

  3. People will like you better and want to be around you more. It also makes the times when you are negative more impactful.

    However, it is true that someone who is more particular and willing to make others uncomfortable will get their way more often.

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