A month ago, I had my first meeting with a girl I met on Bumble. She is an introvert by nature and is looking for something serious, like me. It was a Saturday afternoon and she drove 1 hour from the country to the city to meet me. It was a good date of almost 4 hours. We went for a walk in the park and went for a beer afterwards. In the evening she wrote me “I don’t know about you, but I really enjoyed my afternoon :)”.

We continued to write to each other and planned our 2nd date at the restaurant the following Wednesday night. This time, I was the one to travel. I don’t have a car so I took a carpool service to a gas station in her small town (1 hour) and then we went to the restaurant in her car. It was a rainy night and walking outside after the meal was not an option. There was a little time left before my lift back, so she drove me to her house for 20-30 minutes. On the way, in her car, she asked me questions like what I was looking for in a girl, etc…

At her place, we didn’t do much except talk a little. I was tired from my work week and the 1 hour drive to her city and we didn’t have much time anyway. When she drove me back to the gas station so I could get my carpool, she told me that my vibe was pretty different than the guys she usually dates and that she didn’t know if that was what she needed right now. She also told me that she had thought about dating someone 4.5 years older than her (she’s almost 25 and I turned 29 in April), but that she didn’t mind. I asked her if she wanted to meet up again and she said she would like to, but wasn’t sure if it would work out and didn’t want to waste my time. I felt sad, but I told her I understood and appreciated her honesty. At the gas station, I wanted to get off to wait for my carpool, but it was raining and she said I could wait in her car. When we left and I was in the other car, I looked over her and she was looking right at me.

3 weeks went by and neither of us has closed the conversation on Bumble. I would like to write her again to take a chance on seeing her again. I’ve seen several other girls on the app in the meantime, but none of them have made the same impression on me.

I know, she’s not the only girl in the world. But I’d rather take a chance on seeing her again than do nothing. I wonder how I could do that. Should I be honest with her and say something like, “No pressure, but I’d like to see you again,” or do I send her a funny little message and hope it gets our conversation going again? I’d like to let her know that I can be a lot more interesting than what she saw on a Wednesday night, kind of like she saw the Saturday prior, and that it would be worth it to give me a second chance.

1 comment
  1. It doesn’t sound like you did anything wrong. Sounds like she’s apprehensive as you’re different than what she normally goes for. That’s not wrong. It’s just different.

    Just talk to her like you did the other two times. Just be honest with her. She’ll say yes or no, and either way, you’ll have the answer.

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