There’s this person who just keeps getting on my nerves. I feel like they’re just getting too comfortable with me and oversharing. It’s like they’re fishing for compliments. I just don’t have it in me to feel happy for this person after all this bragging. Help me please. I’m really annoyed about this person and I just wanna feel indifferent. Smiling and nodding can only go so far.

  1. Silence can be good here, and when he/ she asks why you not responding. Say its just bc you got other things on your mind and say some dumb thing you thought about. Even better would be something that actually hinders you, you can also see if they could help you as a person (i.e. worth being friends with).


  2. “What reaction are you looking for when sharing this?”

    “Your story has become tiresome”

  3. Braggarts generally just want people to like them. If you like this person just be polite and congratulatory when appropriate. When in a large group, lead by example and boast your accomplishments and achievements at the right time and in the right doses. If you are bothered by this person just be straight up with them and explain that their behavior is off-putting in a way that isn’t too mean. If they keep acting in a way that is bothersome then you prob shouldn’t be hanging out with that person. You won’t be doing them or yourself any favors by being tolerant of that sort of thing if you are annoyed by it.

  4. Why do you feel it’s necessary or appropriate for you to “shut them down?”

    Is this a friend, or a coworker? If it’s a friend just don’t see them as much if they annoy you. If it’s a coworker, well, part of being an adult is being mature enough to function with people you don’t like. Either way, just limit your interactions with this person.

  5. All you have to do is look at them horrified every time they overshare or fish for compliments. You can also say, ew or ugh. They’ll learn

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