So I have a bit of an odd topic to discuss: I am thirty years old (female), have never dated anyone, and (the main point of this), have never been intimate ever. A variety of reasons contribute to my current situation, with the tl;dr being: raised in a fundamental christian home, and intimacy/sex did not happen until marriage. I could write a lengthy paragraph on the above sentence — I won’t. but I could.

While I have moved on from those views, it has left me w/ what can best be described as a “fear” of intimacy. I have intermittently dipped my toe into the dating world, and haven’t had success b/c I am essentially not brave enough to ever progress to the point where the intimacy factor even comes into play. Basically, I badly want to start experiencing normal life events, and get the metaphorical monkey off my back. But the prospect of even having to explain to someone “ok well I really like you and want to do adult activities, but also, I haven’t ever done them before” completely petrifies me.

And since the internet gives a welcome blanket of anonymity, this seems like an excellent topic to ask complete strangers if they too, have been in such a scenario, and if there are any tips for how to conquer this issue.

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