What does “I love you” mean to you?just curious as to me it’s very important snd a special thing. Just wondering how men think about these words and what they mean when they are said.

  1. It means so much. That I want to be with them, and that I think and care about them every day. I can’t imagine my life without them.

  2. I like you, I want to be with you, you are fascinating to me, I’m your biggest fan, I’ll always be there for you, I want to be there for you, I want you to feel loved, I want you to be happy, you being happy is more important to me than anything.

    Something along those lines. The list is probably not exhaustive.

  3. It means a lot to me but that doesn’t mean I’m good at discerning when I ought to say it

  4. Means I love you right now. But subject to change based on conditions. It used to be unconditional when I was younger and naive.

  5. To me they are words said very carefully. Not as in “I love your body” but in “I love how you make me complete, I love how I look forward with pleasure, not worry, to seeing you again when we’re apart. (I love how you make me sound like a Hallmark card writer, sorry! :)))

  6. It means I am invested in our relationship and committed to doing the work necessary to do it well, so long as I can. That I value you and accept you as you are, and not dependent on specific behaviors or things you can do for me or make me feel. That I want to do the things that to me come naturally out of a desire to add to your life in whatever ways make sense for our particular relationship, whether that’s romantic gestures with partners, showing up for and holding space to listen and such for anyone I love, and so on.

    This can and does apply to any of my favorite people, be they longtime friends, romantic partners, etc.

  7. I am 57 and have uttered those words to very few my parents, children, grandchildren, and my now ex-wife are the only ones I have said it to. Outside of the context of blood relatives “I love you” personally means I would die defending you, I will do everything in my power to provide the best possible life for you, since I feel this strongly about you all others pale in comparison to you. Too bad that amount of love faded after 24 years and I caught her cheating, that was 13 years ago, and I have been single ever since.

  8. Depends on the person saying it, the words only have meaning if the person’s words are shown to have validity through merit

  9. It means a lot for me to say it to someone. I say it very little because I don’t want it to loose it’s effect my boyfriend says it to me often and I don’t mind it or course it’s nice to hear but he says it too often. I love you is a special phrase to me.

  10. Just something stupid you tell girls when they tell it to you. Love doesnt exist and its only for naive idiots that watched too much Disney as children. But most girls and simpy men wont understand so you just go with the flow.

  11. It doesn’t mean anything just words, people are liable to say anything if it benefits them.

  12. Hmm my meaning is saying I care for you and appreciate you . I say it to my friends all the time and I mean it , sounds weird but have never said it to someone in a relationship. That’s a different type of love

  13. it is something that no matter how many hundreds of years has escaped a solid definition. what we know most about it is what we know it isn’t. if you demanded that i define love, i would in turn demand that you define art. it is possible that we will both die never knowing the answers to either, but along the way we have as good a chance as any at finding out what are not the answers before we are both gone <3

  14. It’s just words, until you actually show me that you love me.
    (And it’s not a word that should be thrown around lightly)

  15. I don’t say it often and usually keep it only for people I feel really strongly about. I don’t throw it around in relationships anymore, I think I used to say it pretty easily.

    But I agree with another commenter here – it’s more significant to just show it.

  16. It mean many things depends on who I say it to and how I know them. Even in a romantic way it can have many levels. But if you’re asking about saying it to my SO then I would say it means I prefer to live in the world where you are part of my foundation then just around.

  17. Myriad things; “I trust you”, “I’ve got your back”, “I appreciate you”, “you mean a lot to me”, etc.

  18. I respect you enough to consider using my time and energy on you and have way more empathy for you than I’ve for the average human.

  19. Being told “I love you” means nothing, having someone put in the effort/care/attention is the true way of showing how much you love someone

  20. If you wanna tell me you love me and really mean it. Run to help me at my lowest point. When Im having a seizure try to help me as best you can, comfort me when I come to. Be the aftercare I need. Stay with me durning my unstable nights. And cuddle me when I feel frightened… Because this is what I would do to a partner who shows they really loved me. Don’t let my issues snuff out the light I can bring…

  21. “I love you” whether I’m being told it or telling it means to me the world. I once heard somebody say,

    “in tennis, love is nothing. but in life, it’s everything.”

    They’re very powerful impactful words and reading some of these replies of ppl saying it means nothing to them is so sad, cuz love to me is something that shouldn’t feel that way

  22. *”What does “I love you” mean to you?”*

    It means ” I love you.”

    Seriously posters aren’t even trying anymore.

  23. Kind of like that person has a nearly unlimited line of metaphorical credit with me. Normal people can change my opinion and my treatment of them quickly and easily. Not people I love.

    If a coworker pisses me off, for example, I might hold it against them for a while. It can severely and permanently affect what I think of them and how I treat them. But if someone I love pisses me off, I still love them, I give them the benefit of the doubt, and I know we can move past it. Our connection, our mutual affection and respect, goes so much deeper than any one interaction or issue. Any negative interaction with most people can be a game-changer for our relationship. Negative interactions with people I love are just speed bumps or detours on our way back to loving each other and acting like it. Our default state is to be kind and generous and respectful toward each other, and unless something goes catastrophically wrong, we will always return to that state.

  24. In my experience, it is abusive way women get what they want from me before rejecting me. No one has ever said it to me and meant it.

  25. “Here’s a promise: I’m here for you. If you’ll have me.

    I’m here for you, no matter what. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you go or who you become – you’ll always have me. If you need me, I’m here.

    You can always come to me. Nothing in the world can make me not welcome you.

    I won’t ever go away – not unless you tell me to.”

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