I’m sure many women have been in this position, but I don’t know any personally!

  1. I’m good! 6 months from the breakup and I’m moving across the country in 2 weeks, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a few years.

    Looking back, we were incompatible in a lot of the bigger things in life, so I think we would have eventually broken up anyways, whether we got married or not.

  2. I’m really great. We were 19 when we broke up and I’ve grown up a lot since then but he really hasn’t so I’m glad we didn’t end up together

  3. i’m having so much fun and making lots of new friends! i find myself contributing to conversations about things he liked, or making recommendations based on where we went. sometimes i catch myself smiling when i’m reminded of an inside joke we had. i still occasionally wear the promise ring he gave me because it’s a reminder i was loved. life goes on, i still have him all over me, and that’s ok.

  4. Great! About 5 years ago his father spent the day with me hanging out, telling me how much he wished I had ended up-being his DIL and apologizing because his son was a jerk and never did (4 year relationship)

  5. Still working through the feelings. But now I’ve gotten to the point where I’m telling myself that he’s out there seeing other people and living his life, and I should do the same without any concern for him also. Been a year and a half since the break up.

  6. I’m having the best time of my life! This was over a decade ago and he helped me through a lot of issues when I went away to college and was very thankful for him that year. Then over the summer, he dumped me. Conveniently, he did this while my family was 3000 miles away, so I had no one to lean on. I was so crushed because I thought he was the love of my life. I realized how wrong I was and how wrong he was for me.

    After the breakup, I went back to college for fall classes, made all kinds of new friends, joined all kinds of organizations, and fell in love with that city. Over the years of dating other people, I realized that he wasn’t that great; he would berate me, talk down to me, and he was pretty controlling. I really grew into my adult self in his absence and a lot of my social anxiety started to dissolve.

    Now, I’m living my best life in a new state working a new job in a new career. I would have been able to do none of those things if he was still in the picture.

  7. Shit that was 20 years ago, and I still don’t trust men enough to have one around me. All in all, I’m fine, though, there’s more to life than romantic relationships, thank goodness.

  8. I was pretty messed up for a while after things ended, but Separating was the right decision but honestly ive never met anyone that gets me like he does lol

    But nowadays im doing pretty good, we are still seeing each other casually

  9. My heart was broken by the man I DID marry when I was 18 (stupid idea in hindsight) and it was horrific. That was 17 years ago and it honestly took me a good 5 years to truly get over it. I am, obviously, doing better now! I am married to the man of my dreams and life is great.

  10. Good days and bad days. I still miss him a lot, especially when I find something funny I think he’d like or when I do something new, he’s still the first person I want to reach out to. It sucks.

  11. I’m doing really well. The healing journey was tough, but after years of being single I found a partner who worships the ground I walk on. I am SO grateful I never married my previous partner.

  12. I was hurting for over 2 years after we went separate ways..I really thought I’ve lost my one and only soulmate
    Now I am pregnant and in a relationship with a more suitable person

  13. Fantastic. I’m smarter, happier, and more awesome a person. He squashed who I was, and I didn’t realize it until he was gone.

    When I found out he married the woman he left me for, I was hit with such a sense of relief and happiness that it wasn’t me.

  14. To everyone here who didn’t get over it: I am sorry and I hope you’ll be doing fine soon *hugs*

  15. I’m not doing good. The break up is still fresh. Some days I manage not to think of him, but some others days like today, I am very sad and mad at myself for not moving on. I really thought he was the one and somehow I still can’t process that he was not.

  16. The man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, S, and was head over heels in love with took his own life and I found out via the newspaper the following morning.

    It took years to recover from. I completely lost the ability to be soft and vulnerable. I dated but was just not in love.

    When I met my now husband he was everything I needed him to be. Not clingy or needy. Fun and spontaneous, never possessive or jealous. It’s been 16 years, 7 married, and two kids later and he is my true soul mate and I love him more than anything.

    I still think of S. But I’m the past 2-3 years I’ve realized the anniversary has passed and it took me a few days later to realize. I don’t feel guilt. I know it’s just a sign of continued ongoing healing. He would have wanted that. I’m living me best life and I have no regrets.

  17. Every once in a while I think about my ex fiance and thank God that ended. I’ve been married for 8 years now and my ideas about marriage were so far off from reality I can’t believe I tried to marry someone I was so incompatible with. The level of trust and intimacy I have with my husband I never in a million years would have had with him.

    Thank God that ended

  18. It’s been a struggle but since he ended it two months ago, I’ve since got a new job, moved to a new province and got a new rental suite. I don’t know a soul in the town I chose, its just me and my pupperoni against the world.
    I miss him a lot. I thought he was my person. His family was crushed to see me go. It was super hard to leave and I’m still grieving the loss of our love very much.

  19. Life is good but I’m still sad about it. But tbh when I start thinking about it too much, I stop myself because I find that wallowing in self pity doesn’t help and I’m at the stage where I really need to stop wallowing. Wallow when you need to but stop when you don’t.

    So I’m done with this comment. 😋😂

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