I (28m) have been dating this guy (26m) recently and I’m starting to question if he has a job? I asked him out on a date first and paid for it, and we went on a few more dates (that I also paid for) and after a couple of months we made it official. I live alone and he just moved from out of state and was staying with some friends, renting a room out. He doesn’t have his car here (allegedly it’s in his hometown) so I’ve been doing all the driving. A couple weeks ago he expressed some frustration with his roommates and long story short, I offered to let him room with me for the time being. While this probably wasn’t the best idea, he was over often enough that he might as well have stayed.
First thing I found off was he didn’t have a lot to move in with, literally a carry-on bag and a backpack. When I asked about it he stated that most of his belongings were still back home at his sisters place, along with his car.
Secondly, he told me he works from home and that he’ll usually uses a pc, but has been using his phone since he moved. I usually work long days (typically 10-11 hours away from my home) and since he’s been staying with me, I offered him to use my pc instead of his phone and he declined.
Since we’ve been dating he hasn’t paid for anything, granted I will usually pay the bill, but he won’t even offer, not even when it comes to buying a round of drinks. He also hasn’t pitched in for groceries and is now not buying personal hygiene items such as toothpaste, shampoo/bodywash, lotion, or items for his hair. He also doesn’t mention payday, even when I’ve mentioned I’m on a budget until I get paid. He’s now started to say that his hours are being reduced and isn’t getting paid as much.
Where I’m REALLY confused is that he’s able to buy new vape cartridges and have his phone in service, so he’s acquiring some kind of income? He’s mentioned that his sister owes him money and that she’s been paying him back, but I’m wondering if that’s what he’s using?
He’s also mentioned going through some financial difficulties with his previous roommates in Georgia, claiming that he moved out early and didn’t want to screw them out of a lease so he’s paid 2 months of rent for the last minute notice. He also said he had a cat (that I’ve never seen) that passed away and he had to pay for the cremation and emergency care, but he’s made no mention about picking up the ashes, but said he purchased an urn (it’s been over a month).
I want to talk to him about this but I’m not sure how to go about asking without it coming off as rude, considering if any of the information he’s giving me is true…

  1. Scrub. Hands down. You’ve invested enough emotionally and financially. Kick him to the curb and buy yourself something nice with the extra money. You’re not being paid to raise somebody else’s child.

    Note: No hate to people on lower income (been there) – but he’s been perfectly happy lying to her and letting her be his unofficial sugar mama.

  2. stop paying for things. why are you bending over backwards to mommy him and take care of him? stop and evaluate why you are offering him ways to mooch off of you

  3. Runnnnn ! Sounds like a habitual leech taking advantage of your kindness … there could possibly be others that he is using for financial purposes … I had one like this and tho he helped out more than this guy … he was helping me with my own money that he stole out of my account … long story short he “felt so bad about it” he ended up telling me he stole 6grand from my account … I was super hurt I let this guy stay with us me and my then 2 year old son and he steals from me after watching me struggle to take on most of the bills and my son on my own … cut him off financially starting now give him an amount you need and a date you want it by if he can’t help you he needs to go … letting him stay with you is only making it worse … also if he switches up on you because your no longer funding his expenses you will see all you need to see right there 😒

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