Stupid actions, I know. I, 19m slept with 23f about an hour ago. She just got off her period. I finished inside her, and I immediately got worried as I didn’t have a condom. She just got off her period about a day and a half ago. How possible is it she’ll get pregnant? She said she refuses to take a plan b.

  1. Considering that your sperm can live (edit: up to 5) days inside her after sex and you have no way of being sure when she will ovulate, the chances of her being pregnant are definitely “not zero”.

    Aside from that, you have exposed yourself to the risk of STDs / STIs.

  2. 1. Don’t have unprotected sex unless you’re ready to be a parent.
    2. Chances are lower since that’s not peak ovulation but not zero.
    3. Worry won’t change anything. Figure out what steps you will take in either event and try to relax until you know there is something to worry about.

  3. Chances are low. Women usually ovulate in the middle of their cycle and semen can live inside of her for up to 5 days. So even if you count off 5 days she’s not close to ovulation (assuming a regular cycle). However, irregularities happen so I wouldn’t make a habit of it.

  4. >I finished inside her, and I immediately got worried as I didn’t have a condom

    The worry should’ve been before you had unprotected sex. If you’re worried about pregnancy, always use some form of birth control.

  5. You’re probably okay but it’s not impossible. Hopefully you live in a place where she can get an abortion if need be. *Get some condoms and use them.* Don’t be stupid – these are chances neither of you should be taking.

  6. Is it super likely? Probably not. Is it possible? Absolutely dude. Women can get pregnant ON their periods.
    I hope you make it out of this pregnancy scare unscathed – but you should probably use this as your learning experience for never ever having unprotected sex with someone you don’t want to have a baby with.
    “She said she refuses to take a plan b.” is also a huge red flag is you aren’t dating/ready to be parents together – which it doesn’t seem super likely based on your wording. Wrap it before you tap it bud, you don’t want to end up with a baby mama at 20 who you might barely know.

  7. >She just got off her period. I finished inside her

    If you’re trying to get pregnant, doctors will tell you to have sex every other day after the end of your period. Sperm can live inside her for about 5 days, so if you combine that with 7 or 8 days after the start of her period, that’s definitely in the danger zone if she has a short cycle.

    So, yes, it’s possible she can get pregnant from this. However, a large number of fertilized eggs fail to become a viable pregnancy. They can fail to implant or be rejected by the body.

    Do you know why she won’t take plan B? A lot of young women are using those period trackers which don’t actually work to predict ovulation, so I’m concerned she might have the wrong information about her fertility.

  8. I was 23f when I did the same. Anyway that was half a lifetime ago and my daughter’s almost that same age today.

  9. honestly, what the hell is with all these young people now having unprotected sex AND not pulling out?? there seems to be an increase in these types of posts here lately, i’m only in my early 30s and i feel like a grandma reading this stuff. for my whole life relying on pulling out has been considered the dumb move (but done by most of us at some point/many points) and now apparently we’re not even doing that. is it just cos of creampies in porn or is there something more?

  10. Sperm can survive in the vagina up to five days. Some people ovulate a week or so after their period. She should take a plan b. Also, don’t be stupid. Stop thinking with your dick and use condoms

  11. Let this be the day where you learn not to listen to your dick lol. There is, of course, a non-zero chance that she could get pregnant. However, looking at it scientifically, your sperm would have to survive in here for up to 2 weeks until her next ovulation. It is extremely unlikely that could happen.

    A lot of women have cycle tracking apps, so you can talk to her about it if you want. See the patterns of her cycle, how long after her period ends to ovulation, and overall how long one cycle lasts and if it’s consistent.

  12. You seriously couldn’t have just pulled out? This is so wildly irresponsible I don’t understand how some people have such a lack of regard for their sexual health and their literal futures god forbid a baby comes into the picture… there’s really nothing you can do but wait tbh lol but definitely let this anxiety be a lesson to maybe not have unprotected casual sex again

  13. let me tell you something, I too have fallen to the unprotected period sex trap. I’m 19. I even used plan B after and still got pregnant. (Thankfully got rid of it) I’m not telling you this to scare you but I’m telling you to warn you not to make the same mistake again. Especially as a teenager it’s so easy to feel like it won’t happen to you cause it seems so crazy but let me tell you this is not the thing to try your luck on LOL. I know you’re probably scared but I promise you’ll get through it, just be more careful in the future. good luck!

  14. Good god, you didn’t use a condom, didn’t pull out, she doesn’t use birth control, she doesn’t take plan b (honestly depending on how it was brought up, could be a big red flag), and she wasn’t on her period. Sounds like it’s time for a couple pregnancy tests over the next few weeks. If you‘re not anti-abortion, I would also like to advise you that there should be no shame in it. No one wants to be a teen parent.

    I hope you‘re lucky. You still have probably 60% odds of getting off easy given you learn from your mistakes

  15. First off sorry for you, must be a ton of thoughts going on in your head, second get tested if anything cause not much else you can do beyond that

  16. She needs to take plan b if she doesn’t want to get pregnant. If she ovulates early or on time and has a regular period cycle, (even worse if she has short periods) it is very very possible she can get pregnant. Sperm lives in the body for up to 5 days.

    Do not believe that period sex or soon after does not result in pregnancy because it’s literally not true. Also, chances of STDs from unprotected sex, etc – do get tested.

    Source: pregnant by calculating this.

  17. Your gf needs to take Plan B ASAP. Or get a prescription for Ella from a doctor – Plan B is effective up to 3 days after unprotected sex, Ella up to 5.

    It is indeed very possible for her to get pregnant and I honestly can’t believe at 23 she’s willing to risk an actual pregnancy over taking 1 pill, as a woman it is unimaginable to me. At that age I took emergency contraception in MUCH less risky situations lol, I might’ve been a little paranoid but I was NOT fucking around with any chance of getting pregnant so it is wild to me that she’s willing to fuck around with that. Well, that both of you were, but especially that she has a perfectly safe and effective option to get some peace of mind and she is rejecting it.

    If it’s any consolation I’ve taken both Plan B and Ella before and never had ANY side effects from it, though I realize this is not true for everyone. But what definitely has some very unpleasant side effects for just about everyone is pregnancy so….

  18. Unless OP was drunk, I have almost zero sympathy for them. She wanted to get knocked up and he stupidly volunteered.

    This post is for every guy under 25: don’t be an idiot like OP, buy fucking condoms. $20 now vs your life.

    Put it this way, if you can’t man up and ask how they feel about abortion and being a mother at this point in their life, you ain’t man enough to be having sex. Go home and keep whacking off until you are. I had one scare of fucking someone without a condom, finding out they were going to have my child if they were preggers and then being saved when their next period arrived.

    **I was 14 years old.**

    I was a kid. I have used goddamn condoms ever since.

    Sex is for adults. If you can’t ask questions or wear a condom, might want to hold off having it until you are ready to grow up. There’s no shame, everyone matures a different rates. Enjoy your childhood as long as you can, being an adult can often suck.

  19. Why was she okay with you finishing in her but not okay with taking plan b? Be safer next time man 😭 wear the condom.

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