I (30F) have been married to my husband (33M) for almost 3 years and we’ve been together closer to 7. I love him and overall we have an easy going good relationship, but I find myself always wanting more. I want more gestures of affection. I want him to do more activities with me and be willing to travel. I want to connect emotionally. I want to feel close. I say these things to him and he gets frustrated bc he feels he is trying and compromising and it’s never enough. He does outings with me but often he tells me he doesn’t want to and he’s doing it for me. Social activities and travel have been a big sticking point on our relationship. However, it’s more than that. Ultimately, I’m complex and deep. And he’s simple. He’s agreed with that statement. We laugh and enjoy one another, and love each other. But is that enough? We were trying to have a baby but I don’t know if we should. I’m at a cross roads. He’s not willing to go to therapy and in general isn’t interested in the idea of learning, growing and changing over time. He just wants a house, a family, and to have work life balance. Watch sports. Chill. I want more than that. am I expecting too much? He adds value to my life but I always have this feeling in the back of my head that we just aren’t compatible enough. I don’t know what to do but it’s up to me. He is content with how things are, if I’d just stop bringing up my issues and concerns. Need some advice.

  1. Me huele a que dentro de diez años van a divorciarse. Perdón, pero leí este tipo de comienzo varias veces y siempre termina igual.

  2. Please seek counseling and really sit with yourself and what you want before having a baby!
    Choose what you want from life before you force yourself to feel stuck and out of options because children add so many more layers.

    ETA: If you have to mute yourself for everything to be okay, then everything isn’t okay

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