Man who lives with a woman (wife/gf) how much do you contribute in house chores?

  1. I used to live with a woman. Then I took out the trash. AYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy no but really.

  2. On average, 80%. Most of it is my own mess, or my dogs hair, so I take responsibility for the most of house cleaning. She takes the trash out and unloads the dishwasher, and drives on vacations/shopping.

  3. I do about 90% of the house work. Wife does 90% of the cooking. It’s a solid trade for me as I hate cooking. I have Saturday and Sunday off where my wife has Sunday and Monday off. I typically get everything done Saturday while she is at work so we can have Saturday evening and Sunday together with out any interference.

  4. It’s probably close to equal, we’re both neat people and have cleaning times each week where the whole family just cleans. We split cooking days too. That started a few years ago, prior to that, she was a stay at home wife/mom and did the vast majority of cooking/cleaning and whatever.

  5. She does most of it. If I don’t work as much as I normally do I’ll jump in and help out. Especially if I’m off and she’s at work.

  6. I do 98% of the cooking, cleaning, and homeschooling. It used to be balanced but I’m a sahp these days so it’s my job now (health reasons)

  7. I’ll iron all day long. I’ll cook and polish and hoover.

    But I fucking hate doing dishes. Unfortunately, this seems to be the chore most people dislike and the one that has to be shared the most. I’m an unfair partner when it comes to doing the dishes.

  8. I am retired. My wife still works.

    For the most part I take care of the garden, vacuuming, laundry, pet care, bathroom cleaning. We share cooking and kitchen clean up duties (70% me, 30% her).

    To be clear, I prefer my own cooking to what she prepares, though I always compliment her on her meals.

    To be more clear, I do not give a shit who does more or who does what. I do what I want to do. I hope my wife does what she wants to do. I love her no matter what.

  9. We split it 50/50 unless one of us are sick or have a lot going on with work. Then it’s 75/25. Birthdays/Mother’s/Father’s Day is a free pass from all household responsibilities.

  10. 50/50

    We just kinda split off naturally regarding the choirs. They have to get done. I tended to do the dishes more and she liked doing laundry. I took out the trash, and mop the floors, she would cook dinner and make the bed.

    If one person hates doing something, and the other person doesn’t mind, then take it. If the other person who hates it has to do it then it’ll just cause friction in time.

    Make sure the choirs are even. Laundry can be a big choir. The other person should have an equal or close to equal choir. That’s just fairness

  11. 50/50

    We both work 40 hours a week, so we split the chores. There’s chores she exclusively does and ones that are exclusively mine. The rest we do together.

  12. When I was married, I made 100% of the income, did 60% of household chores and took care of the kids 75% of the time.

    Now that I live with my girlfriend I pay 100% of the bills, she pays rent, I do 80% of the household chores and 100% of the kid duties. Luckily my kids are now in High school.

  13. I’m a SAHD so I do most of them. She likes her career a lot more than I liked mine. I’d much rather cook and clean for my family than for a thousand strangers every day. She helps out when and where she can. I’d say it’s normally 70/30 but with her being pregnant it’s like 90/10 cause my girl needs rest.

  14. 50/50

    The onlybset thing is i do all the dishes coz she has sensitive skin on her hands Everything else is split.

  15. I do majority of the housework, but sometimes I forget or make mistakes, so my partner comes to help.

  16. whatever needs to be done, gets done. They’re like problems that just need to be solved.

    We don’t split chores in any specific way.

    I don’t know what it works out to be, but it feels mostly 50/50.


    THE exception, is if the chore requires strength or requires my knowledge, like on how to fix shit around the house.

  17. My wife takes care of our 2 kids, I work from home.

    I usually wind up doing all of the dishes, cooking, sweeping/vacuuming/mopping, taking out the trash, feeding/cleaning up after the cat, car maintenance, and my own laundry. My wife usually mows the lawn and does the laundry for the rest of the household.

    Keeping up with an infant (crawling) and a toddler (pre-potty trained) is exhausting. I definitely have the easier daily workload. She was recently out of town and I was on solo parent duty for 3 days. The first day was great, I had a ton of energy and was easily able to balance a bunch of housework with taking care of the kids. By the end of the 3rd day I was incredibly sore *everywhere* and was just mentally exhausted.

    Honestly, the experience makes me want to force her out of the house one weekend a month to just hang out with adults and recover, but she hates being away from the kids.

  18. We each do our share. We’ve divided up the stuff. Some is hers, some is mine, some is “whoever gets it”

    In general it’s probably 50/50ish. Even if it’s not, we’ve both agreed to it and it’s equitable.

  19. I spend more time and effort, but she does things I hate and/or suck at. I’m not good with administrative stuff, bills and paperwork and keeping track of the calendar of appointments and kids’ sports practices and social commitments etc. And I hate fucking around with laundry.

    I do virtually all the cooking (and I make tasty vittles), meal planning, grocery shopping, yard work, repairs and home improvements. We split cleaning more or less 50/50. She does the laundry and functions as our events coordinator, school liaison etc.

    Basically, I spend a little more time, and a LOT more physical effort, but she does the lion’s share of keeping track of things. It’s hard to keep my mind on the humdrum details of life; my mind is always on flights of fancy. She finds it easier to keep track of all the moving parts that constitute the business end of family life. It’s a good deal for both of us I think.

  20. I’m a chore whore. minus the grocery shopping( I carry in and put away), appointment logistics, dinner and education part for kids I’m more of support/stand by. I do more so my wife can be relaxed and marinating under the covers in the evenings. I read an article before my 24 years of marriage that husbands that do more around the house get it more and I believe it’s true.

  21. 100% of out door stuff, repairs and trash. She handles cooking, cleaning, and some small errands.

    Repairs are rare, and outside is maybe weekly to twice a month. So it’s probably like 85% 15% split.

    I pay all the bills.

  22. Probably like 60/40. I work from home, she has an office job, so she’s more tired end of the day. She also has pretty bad ADD so a new task in her routine needs 500 reminders before it gets done, so I just do a little extra. I work in pajamas, I figure I can pick up the slack.

    Theres also that line from Bride of Chucky; whoever doesn’t cook can at least do the dishes.

  23. Our teens do maybe 20% of indoor chores and I do about 40% when I don’t have something going. If I’m doing yard work, repairs, or home improvement projects it gets scaled down by a roughly equal amount.

    I joke that the goal is for us all to be equally miserable.

  24. We usually just split things down the middle. Whatever I don’t do, she do and the same thing vise versa

  25. I do laundry, cook dinner and clean once in a while but my wife is a SAHM so she does most of it.

  26. It’s close to even, she does more though because I work 70 hours a week. Although I am a chef, she probably cooks more too.

  27. If home together wife does the cooking cause she prefers her cooking to mine. She does more of the cleaning I do the maintenance of house, yard and cars.
    For our son I normally do more getting him ready in the morning cause his preschool is at my work and I make breakfast for the family every morning cause I’m up before everyone and get the son ready for bed

  28. If anyone is wondering, the American Time Use Survey is conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics each year for the general US population. It shows that while men might have about an hour less of housework per day on average, they have a little more than an hour on average more of paid work outside the home per day. So it really evens out.

  29. Less than her, she’s awesome. I try to do more things she’s not good at – home and auto maintenance, budgeting and financial planning, garbage. We also have a bit of a morning routine and I try to clean a lot. I am
    Also going to be cooking on Mondays and Fridays

  30. She does the majority of the house chores, aside from cooking which I solely do. Our kids help pick up the slack indoors.

    As for outdoors, I handle everything there. Trim trees, wash windows, etc.

    I think it’s a pretty fair trade.

  31. I have 4 kids so My wife and I basically take care of the cooking and the laundry the kids have the rest as their chores.

  32. About half the work, she dies the other half. Sometimes I do more, sometimes she does. It evens out at the end of the week.

  33. I do my own cooking for the most part, I cook for my oldest kid because he likes my cooking, I do deep cleaning throughout the house, I organize everything, I do the entirety of yard work, I am the only one driving, and I am the only one working. She does a lot too, but it’s way less than me, I don’t really mind as long as she is making an effort.

  34. I am incharge of cleaning the house & taking care of trash, we cook 50/50 and clean the dishes 50/50.

    She does laundry and charge the cat’s sand.

    I do however also work a lot more than her.
    She is working 25~ hours weekly and I work 50-60 hours weekly so its not a full on 50/50 contribution but due to me working more I think its fine.

  35. So this is actually really interesting in my case, as I’m in a 3-way marriage with two women. Who does what generally just depends on the chore.

    I’m still in university (final semester now!), and so I’m out the house a long time a few days of each week. One of my wives (Lily) has a job, so she’s also gone most of the day (especially since she takes a lot of overtime to help support us). My other wife (April), who has been trying to make things work with her small business that we help her out with, is almost always home.

    Cooking is generally done by Lily, since she’s the best at it, and really enjoys it. Though since she often gets back home from work at like 9-9:30PM, we often eat leftovers (which are pretty good) or just whatever we find around the house.

    I do the dishes, since I enjoy it more than other chores, and I’m probably the best at it (plus it gives me privileges on how to arrange dishes and all in the cabinets).

    I also will switch the laundry and lay the hang-ups out. However, I don’t do any hanging/folding because I suck at it. Though if I’m doing it with one of my wives and not alone, I’m able to go at a slower pace and therefore do a better job folding/hanging. April is supposed to do all the folding/hanging when she’s alone at the house, though she doesn’t always manage to get it all done (insert passive-aggressive teasing here). Usually, if that’s the case, Lily and I will just finish it up.

    To be fair to April though, she is the head of the household, and so often is in charge at planning big life things such as finances (though I certainly help). She is also pretty good about doing the smaller, more minor things like taking the trash out or general tidying/organizing. For deeper cleans, Lily and I enter maid mode, with me doing the bathroom, and her doing the rest of the house. April is the only one who really likes doing yard work, so I can’t complain too much when she sometimes doesn’t do something else she’s supposed to. She also takes care of things involving the cars, like cleaning them out and getting oil changes.

  36. This topic is beat to death. I think women complain about men not doing enough house chores too much. Quite frankly most women are lazy af when it comes to house chores and that’s why there’s so much of this topic all the time. I don’t have anyone to help with chores and I’m completely unbothered by it.

    Shut up about it. Be adults and clean your friggin houses and stop being pigs.

  37. I work from home and have a chilled job.. So i do most of them.

    She helps when she can after work and at weekends.
    But i usually do all the laundry, vacuuming, dishes etc.

    I look at all the chores as a joint task. The quicker they get done the more time we have to spend together.. So i just do what i can when i can.

  38. I do just about everything. I do literally all of the “shared” chores, like cleaning surfaces, garbage, dishes, pets, vacuum, yard work. I do maybe 80% of the cooking. She has one day about every month, maybe every other month, where she goes on a spree and does some cleaning and some of her laundry. I do chores on my lunch break every day at least.

  39. I’m OCD as fuck so when I’m home I just can’t help but constantly be doing shit. So yeah, I do more of the dishes and housework and I really enjoy cooking for my family and making sure we have a clean house.

    Although, she does do the kitty litter which to me evens out because I absolutely hate it and she is very generous with her money if we ever need anything. She also helps me raise my daughter that isn’t hers and is a great step mom who does little art projects and stuff with us.

    And she always looks hot as fuck and is my biggest support in life.

    If I asked for her help she would drop anything and help me but I take care of it because I’m ocd and I love the heck out of my girls. ☺️

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