Okay so, this will possibly sound strange and it might just be me (24F) but here goes:

I’m someone who is actively looking for a loving, deep connection with others, and I really want to be in a relationship. However, when others show interest in me, though I feel flattered, I inmeadiately start panicking and get incredibly anxious, looking for ways in which we wouldn’t be compatible and thus self-sabotaging and denying myself even the possibility of something…

Trust me, it’s INCREDIBLY exhausting, not only because of the crippling anxiety, but because I genuinely want to be happy! I’m not quite sure if it is because the people who show this interest aren’t really what I’m looking for, and it’s my head just telling me to stay away so i don’t break mine or anybody’s heart, or if it’s deeper.

I don’t even know if it’s curable, i’m starting to think i’m beyond repair 🥲

It’s also the fact that I need to be friends with the men I like, but sometimes people don’t want to take that much time to get to know me and just skip to the physical part… i can’t do that.

Has anybody felt this way? Do you have any advice?

1 comment
  1. In a spiritual sense, you could say it’s God protecting you while you mature, and will meet the right man when the right time comes. And God delivers on his own time so be patient and live your life. But in a realistic sense, the guys you’re looking for are out there in abundance, but many aren’t that physically attractive, so you may not even see them at all. The physically attractive ones are most likely already taken, while the ones that are still available should show hard signs of prudence.

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