I just can’t shake the feeling off. He said he’s staying because he loves me but I just can’t feel his presence nor even feel that he cares. I would ask him to go out on a date but he always refuses. Saying that he’s busy doing work over the weekend or he has to fix something in his car or he’s just generally tired. He always comes up with an excuse not to go. But when his friends ask him to go out on a Friday night he most of the time goes. He would spend the whole night out and would spend the whole Saturday driving his friends around town to have lunch or whatever.

I like to cuddle up with him in the couch but everytime I get near he takes a very deep sigh and he wouldn’t even place his hands on me. He wanted us to sleep in different rooms cause he said he can’t sleep when I’m there cause I always move and snores. He wants his stuffs in his room. He doesn’t even want to share the same wardrobe. When my siblings came over to the country, I planned a week vacation somewhere but he refused to go. He said he was doing work.

Everytime I bring this all up he says that I only see what I’m doing in the relationship and that I can’t appreciate his efforts. I’m so confused.

  1. Honestly, it’s time to let him go. Listen to his actions, not his words. The other commenter is right, he’s a roommate and treating you as such. That is, until the moment he finds someone else more interesting that is also interested in him, you’re out.

    Start going out more, do your own things. Hang with your own friends. Go live your own life away from him.

  2. Cold fish aren’t fun to cuddle.

    Find someone who is happy to be with you.

    Find someone who isn’t such a slug.

    You deserve way better than you are getting.

    Toss some salt on this slug and go find yourself a true man.

  3. Imagine how happy you’ll be with someone who takes you on dates, cuddles you and sleeps beside you. Why don’t you think you deserve that? You’re clearly unfulfilled, it’s time to do what’s best for you and put yourself first!!!!

  4. Who’s benefiting out of this “relationship”? What are YOU getting out of this. Do you see a future in this? A future you desire? Don’t stay for sake of convenience

  5. It’s time to end it.
    He sounds checked out and like he wants to end it, but he wants to make it so bad for you, that you do it for him instead of him having to break up with you.

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