Hi, I’ve had a friend group I used to hang with. I got introduced by my male friend, 15 at the time. It was at my old school, and they were nice in the beginning when I first knew them. I started disrespecting myself, I was kind of like a prankster. So one day this bully started hitting me, and he slapped me. I wanted to be friends with him, but for some reason he absolutely hated me. Hi, I’ve had a friend group I used to hang with. It was at my old school, and they were nice in the beginning when I first knew them. I started disrespecting myself, I was kind of like a prankster. So one day this bully started hitting me, and he slapped me. Everybody thought it was funny and I laughed it off because I didn’t want to seem like a mood killer or start an entire argument. My friends would slap me almost everyday for fun, not too hard like a medium slap. I started worrying about brain damage, so I would tell them not to but one day when I did I got slapped really hard where my ears started ringing. I one time bought my friend some food, but he didn’t even say thank you and left right after I did. I wanted to quit hanging with them but I had no one else. They would hit me on the head pretty hard time to time, and would always try to slap the back of my head for some reason. I left the school, but they keep calling me and texting me either trying to hang out or just make a joke at me for some reason. I want to leave, but they have my address and I don’t want them appearing out of nowhere. I’m lost and I don’t know what to do, I know they took something from me I can’t get back (my brain health), and I just want to cut them off entirely but it’s almost everybody who was hitting me

TL;DR: Friends who I thought I could rely on hit my head everyday. They keep trying to message me after I moved schools, and have my address. I’m worried about my brain health, and this has been eating at me. What do I do?

1 comment
  1. If your friends hit you in ways that cause you serious harm, and you’re afraid that they’re going to do it again, that’s “tell a teacher” territory.

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