For the longest time I could never orgasm during sex, but a week ago my husband and I were in a particularly intense session and I had a literal mindblowing orgasm! We were in missionary and this is the first time that has ever happened. Since then we’ve tried to replicate that but nothing seems to work. I tried learning how to have internal orgasms when masturbating and I couldn’t do it 🙁 . Anyone have any advice on how I can either replicate the orgasm during sex or learn how to do it myself?

  1. It’s a bit mysterious to me how so many girls struggle to have an orgasm. Your case is even more peculiar: you did, and still struggle to do it again.

    I’m gonna be honest here. I’m sure you know there is no way anyone in Reddit can help since it’s your body and your vibes. As a man, it’s makes even less sense for me to say something. I just find interesting that the more a girl is ‘concerned’ about her orgasm, the more frustrated she gets. I’m not saying it’s not important, but there are so many girls out there that can’t orgasm and they say they do enjoy their time even without the orgasm, and when it happens naturally it’s even more surprising. Maybe thinking about it too much will get you frustrated.

  2. Try lifting your hips up by putting a pillow under your butt. Makes for a better angle. Also have him grind into you rather than just pumping in and out. Experiment with diff positioning of your legs (ie wrapped around thin) also if all else fails, vibraore on the clit

  3. Sometimes it’s the technique but I’ve found it’s just as much, if not more, how present and connected I feel to my husband. You say it was a particularly intense time, so think about the factors that led it to be so intense. Those factors aren’t all sexual – it may even go back days of building up.

    Took me years to figure that out. Check out Lori Brotto’s book about mindfulness for sex (can’t remember the title but it’s on Amazon of course).

    And Emily Nagosaki’s book on Women’s sexuality may help you understand the conditions that lead you to have amazing orgasms better.

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