Bit of background, cousin is doing a course during the summer and my uncle wants me to join him. Mainly because I think he wants me to move over there once I get my nursing degree.

I cannot find much info on google, so I was wondering if it was possible to do it? I would probably visit regardless.

  1. You can take the class, you probably won’t get a useful certification.

  2. To do the course, almost certainly it’s possible if you have the time and the will. However, to actually get certified I believe you need to prove residency in whatever state you’re getting certified in, I could be wrong tho.

  3. EMT instructor here. I don’t see why it would be an issue if you’ve got the time and cash available. Been a minute since I went over the sign up process but you could probably sit for the national registry certification exam as well. Not that it would do much good because that’s not a license to practice any of the (very limited) skills you learn in an EMT course, those are issued by the states themselves. But if it’s only for the experience then go for it.

  4. You can only engage in study that is recreational or a vocational on a B category visitor visa (tourist visa). I refer you to this ICE

    It would be hard to say this is recreational or avocational in my opinion, but it depends

    Edit: Don’t look for immigration advice on Reddit that isn’t backed up by US government (ICE, USCIS) sources. People don’t know what they’re talking about.

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