Hi, everyone! On Tuesday I have to act out a scene from any movie for class. The thing is, I’m extremely shy and just the thought of acting in front of my classmates paralyses me. I literally can’t do anything this morning because of my worrying.

I keep telling myself, “stop thinking about what others think” but, alas–I still feel miserable. I tried doing affirmations such as “I need to be confident if I want to be an accountant”. Still doesn’t work. I can’t even keep eye contact with my teachers for more than 2 seconds because my head stiffens and trembles. Whenever, I feel my head is about to shake, I nod to get rid of the “tension” for lack of a better word.

And then now: the acting activity. I don’t really know how to be more confident. I also told myself a lot of times, ‘just go take the risk’ but I still end up, well, not taking the risk.

  1. Try thinking about what life will be like in 1000 years. Will anyone you know be alive to remember what you did in class today? No. Even if you did the dumbest thing ever, pretty much everyone will have forgotten in a few years. The point is…what you do doesn’t really matter, so don’t worry about it so much!

  2. Forget about the students and the teacher. Don’t even look at them. Focus on the script, the character, and the actions. You aren’t in that classroom. You’re in that scene. You don’t need confidence until the scene is finished and you’re back in the classroom.

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