I met a guy on tinder. We met outside and almost had sex. But we didn’t as I haven’t done it before and I was nervous and said no. (We’re both old enogh to have sex.) It was just rubbing and done. At night, I texted him “It was fun” because I don’t want to get regret not texting him that I enjoyed that moment. But I didn’t get a response from him and he even blocked me on tinder. So I feel like I’m not good enough and I even regret that I didn’t do IT. Was it my fault? I really feel not good about it.

  1. It’s good to realize most dating experiences won’t be good since finding a connection sexual or otherwise is hit and miss. The world of hook ups and dating is getting ghosted most of the time or finding crazy people in my experience. Make sure not to take it personally and be thankful you didn’t have sex with someone who would of probably blocked you anyways. It’s ok for us and others to just not be that into it. Say next and swipe onwards with your head held high!

  2. I think you did everything right. If they aren’t respecting your decision and block you right afterwards, then they aren’t worth your time. Tinder is full of people who are just looking for quick hookups, which is completely okay if they also disclose this, and you might have encountered someone like that.

    Trust your gut feeling about not being ready and don’t let anyone pressure you into something you don’t want to do. If you are too nervous, then that’s okay and everyone should respect that and be patient with you.

    Also, the thing about regrets is that they will keep you stuck in the past, especially if you accumulate too many regrets. A couple regrets are fine to have, but just remember that the past can’t be changed, so try to look forward instead of looking back.

  3. You’re looking at this all wrong.

    You should be glad you didn’t go through with it. Not regretting it. He showed what he was about. I’d wager a testicle he’d ghost you even if you had gone through with it. Then you’d have that memory attached to your first time.

    You shouldn’t be looking at this as your fault or not. Instead, pay attention to the details of this experience and learn the signs of guys that are like this, so you don’t get duped in the future.

  4. You said no to sex and then he blocked you. That guy was just looking for pussy and when he did not get it he went looking for another.

    You dodged a bullet here.

    You are actually good enough that he is pissed off for failing to have sex with you.

  5. Good enough for what? He wanted sex and you didn’t so he moved on. It would have been nice of him to tell you that before just blocking you but some people are cowardly and fake the easy route. You don’t need to compromise yourself and fuck a guy the day you meet him just to try to keep him around. I promise there are men out there who will wait until you are ready.

  6. No girl, he clearly was after one thing. You didn’t give it to him and he is sulking. Move on and find someone worthy.

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