I have known this guy for over a year now. When we met, I had just come out of a very long term relationship so I was not interested in jumping into another one so soon. Fast forward to 2 months ago, I finally decided to give this a try. We went on our first date and it was by far the best first date I’ve ever had. We had so much chemistry and just felt super comfortable with each other though we didn’t take further than just making out (even though we both wanted to). I have seen him twice since then but since he lives about 2-3 hours, we can’t seen each other as often. I always noticed he didn’t like to talk/text much but still assured me that he is interested and wanted to continue things.

The lack of communication and seeing each other got to me last week though. Any time I ask and try to make plans with him, he’s already busy with something that weekend. I feel like if he did want to have this, he would make time and try to talk to me a bit more. I had mentioned the lack of communication and he acknowledged that it was his fault. Last night I decided to tell him that while I really like him and have a great time, it just doesn’t seem like he has the time commitment to make this work. I let him know that it hurt me to say this and that it was making me cry but I just didn’t see how it would work and also didn’t want to force him to do something he didn’t want. I’m at a point where I want something serious and someone who wants the same and will put in the effort. He apologized and said that it was all his fault and even though I said that I understood that he was busy, he mentioned that I’m not the first to tell him this. That it’s obviously a him issue. Part of me feels like i don’t make him happy and he assured me that I did and again apologized for not giving enough.

We kinda left it there. This morning I felt so bad and cried more because I feel like maybe I made a mistake in telling him that. I texted him but he just left me on read which is understandable. Did I make a mistake in telling him how I felt? Should I have done it differently? Is this something that we can get past if he realizes that he has to put in more effort or did I ruin it? I keep kicking myself now over the whole ordeal. Not sure how to proceed.

  1. Probably a bit heavy a bit soon. Just leave it for now. If he wants to get in touch, he will. Good luck. ❤️

  2. You definitely didn’t make a mistake in telling him…

    I feel like the subtext (You can still have me if you make me a priority) was clearly there and if he begged for one more shot, you should give it to him.

    It doesn’t really sound like he did beg though. It sounds like he acknowledged the problem but sort of accepted your resignation. Honestly he was probably going to drop out soon anyway.

    I’m sorry but you should probably focus on new guys

  3. nope – you did fine girl. better now and early on. sounds like you know what you are willing to accept and not accept – keep that spirit and mentality.

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