So my boyfriend split with his ex about 6 weeks ago I don’t really know why but I know he ended it with her. He started chatting to me 1 week after the break up and I feel we just clicked and he asked me to be his girlfriend 2 weeks in.

During the first week of us dating she kept trying to call him while I was in the car, then constantly texting him and he ended up blocking her and completely cutting her off.

So he blocked her on everything but instead of just unfollowing her on Instagram he deactivated his account which is cool I guess he needed a break but he came back onto Instagram this week and I noticed a story she put on really annoyed him which looks like it her on a date with a new guy and instead of just blocking or unfollow her he once again deactivated his account.

So my question is why wont he just block her on there like he did with everything else? Why is he going to extremes and deleting his account

TL;DR!- female aged 24 male aged 26 new boyfriend would sooner delete his Instagram than unfollow his ex?

  1. I believe when he reloads the app it will restore to the same setup he deleted it at. So he can just add it back and delete so you can’t see what he’s up to. Maybe?

    Which allows him to monitor her without her figuring knowing he’s playing games with you.

  2. Maybe because they only broke up SIX WEEKS AGO and he hasn’t had adequate (any?) time to process his break-up? The break-up which you know nothing about bar him saying he instigated it which I wouldn’t necessarily believe, tbh.

  3. >He started chatting to me 1 week after the break up and I feel we just clicked and he asked me to be his girlfriend 2 weeks in

    Because he’s not over her and potentially lied about why/how they broke up. You’re a rebound. Get ready for your whole relationship to be about her in some way, shape or form or leave for long enough for him to actually process that breakup

  4. I deactivate socials when I am just feeling really overwhelmed, but that’s me…

    I would not even entertain this. He’s not over her. It’s barely been any time.

  5. Jesus, how do people move on so fast? Even my ex is seeing someone new and it’s only been a month.
    Social media is toxic.

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