Tbh I dont like it. Being called baby face almost implies that I not to be taken serious. Almost comes off disrespectful sometimes but not all the time. Im not a ahole about it but I do check them after. Im a 22m who’s bigger than most guys with a deeper voice. So I just feel like being called baby face isn’t a compliment and aint funny either. What are other men thoughts on it.

  1. I think that people who call you things that insult you are doing it specifically to get your reaction. If you act like them insulting you doesn’t affect you the way they want, they have less incentive to do it.

  2. As a 32m, I’d take it as a compliment. probably means you have nice skin without much complexion and that’s not inherently a bad thing.

    when does this bother you? in what context?

  3. Not sure how its disrespectful unless you clearly feel bothered by it and the other person is doing it on purpose to make you mad. Compliment or not, its not a big deal.

  4. I had the problem of looking younger than my years , struggling to get served alcohol without I.D.

    Now my friends who I envied for looking older resemble haunted tree’s and and I’m happy to look a little more fresh faced.

  5. I am not sure if I have a babyface, but the other day I was in a grocery line, and this woman made sure that I hadn’t forgotten something, so I thanked her for looking out for me. She said she have to look out for “younger boys”, and as for being in my 30s it is nice to be considered relatively young.

  6. I don’t mind. Sure, people do notice it and will comment on it but it’s how you behave what makes a change. I actually think the babyface is part of what makes me ‘me’.

  7. it’s a compliment, dawg lol. i get those, and I’m 28. Being called prettyboy or babyface, they usually like you.

  8. Embrace it while you can. Most women say it as a term of endearment thats lowkey flirting. I remember one time angsty young adult me who had RBF was at work and talking to a coworker about something funny. This customer basically cuts to where we were and sats wow you have smiling eyes. I immediately got pissed for some reason until my coworker basically nudged me to tell me she was into me. She was older(maybe 7-10 years) but somehow I took the compliment wrong. its prob the same with you. Now don’t dress like a teen or young kid if this really bothers you.

  9. Don’t really like it. You don’t really want to be considered “cute” as a guy. It’s even worse when you see short too.

  10. When I was young, being a baby face was annoying but now I’m in my 50’s I look so much younger than my friends and it pisses them off. The down side today is, younger women (who want children) hit on me. My kids are grown and gone.

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