Women of reddit, when and how did you realize that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with your S.O.?

  1. After our first road trip together. Normally after a long trip with someone, I want to have my time to myself away from them to recharge. When I got home after that trip though, I still wanted to hang out.

    That hasn’t changed.

  2. Honestly after our first meeting I knew I felt really connected to Him and didn’t want to be away from him ever again. Later that year in the summer we spent a day just hanging out in his office at home, just each playing computer games while watching movies on his second screen. It was just a perfect simple day, and it clicked suddenly that he was the love of my life. We just had our first child last month and couldn’t be happier šŸ˜ŠšŸ’• R+K šŸ’•

  3. The day that we met. I had never automatically felt so at home with a person before. I think about that moment a lot.

  4. For me there wasn’t an “aha moment” or anything like that. The wish has just been building up since we first met. It took us about four years together before we got married and by that time we were both convinced that we wanted to get old together. 15 years later and we still are.

  5. We were dating for about 4 months; when my (now our) cat got a horrible infection. He was my calm during that storm. He split the vet bill with me; refused to let me pay it alone as ā€œwe are partners in everythingā€

    3 years later and we truly are partners in everything.

  6. It was about into a year of dating. I loved him, we lived together, but wasnā€™t 1000% sold yet.

    We got a new dog, she came from Craigslist and she was 9 months old and ā€œtoo muchā€ for the owners older dog. We wanted a friendly dog to help bring my nervous anxiety dog out of his shell. We met at a park and the two dogs hit it off so we took her home.

    Very quickly we came to learn that she would pee from excitement every time we came home, and she would jump up and lick your face AGGRESSIVELY. Like it was pathological that she HAD to lick your face or she wasnā€™t okay.

    My husband (bf at the time) got upset one day when he came home and she peed on the carpet. He was all cursing and stomping around. I turned to him and told him that being pissed about it was unacceptable. We could either take the dog back now before I got attached, or he could learn how to properly train her and put the time and effort into it.

    He thought about what I said for a little while and then he very quietly came to me and said ā€œI want to keep herā€.

    He then spent hours(days) watching videos and learning about dog behavior. We started letting her outside when we got home before coming in the house so she could potty outside. Then we transitioned to crate training until she really understood outside is where we pee. We practiced not kicking faces and giving her tricks and other behaviors to do instead.

    Mica bonded with my husband so intensely sometimes I wonder if Iā€™m the ā€œother womanā€. But watching him go through that process solidified to me that he is a keeper and the man I want to have children with. Mica is 9 now and I donā€™t think heā€™s every gotten frustrated at her again.

  7. My relationship is still terrifyingly new but Iā€™m beginning to fantasize about our future together. Not a wedding or anything but just, being with him, knowing him, learning about him. Weā€™re attending a wedding together and we want to give the couple a shared gift and thatā€™s not something youā€™d do unless youā€™re serious and I want that with him. I donā€™t want to change my name but my god, I want to be his wife.

    Itā€™s disgusting, iā€™m embarrassed even typing this out, so saccharine I could be sick but we literally talked about this on the phone thirty minutes ago and used these exact words and weā€™re on the same page. Some part of me has her eyes open, itā€™s too soon to know, weā€™re still in the honeymoon phase, but some part of me already knows. Iā€™ve started planning around his allergies. Iā€™d even resigned myself to dying young because itā€™s not like thereā€™s any reason to stick around but Iā€™ve started making changes in my lifestyle because I want to be with him for as long as possible.

    I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

  8. Truthfully-after our first date! I told my colleagues, who were with me at the time, I was going to marry him when I laid eyes on him. A month later, we went on our first date. 33 years ago I said I DO! Love him beyond words!

  9. From the moment we met, we never stopped texting/calling/hanging out. It was none of these dating games of “I’m gonna wait until he calls first”. We just immediately clicked and felt comfortable with each other.

    I went through some really rough mental health times early on in our relationship. Guys always thought I was a great time during my highs, but ducked out pretty quick during my lows. He stuck around through all of it and continued to love me. I quite literally owe that man my life.

  10. The first time he was abroad for work reasons, I found myself fine, but pretty bored. Life is awesome anyway: if heā€™s in the picture, itā€™s funnier.

  11. I hugged him and felt like Iā€™d been hit by lightning. We moved in together after like a week and have been married almost 13 years now

  12. One week after we met. We were having a night time picnic and he was just talking about his life and experiences so openly. I realized he felt comfortable being vulnerable with me and I did with him and we grew very protective over each other. I couldnā€™t go a day without seeing him and he just felt like my other half. We got married less than 3 years after that.

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