i.e the friend who’s jealous they’re not the one in a relationship/being talked to

  1. The third wheel?

    I wouldn’t say that I was infuriated, but the fact that the friend was there in the first place was all sorts of whack.

    I ended up leaving them to hang out with each other and met up with my buddies.

  2. Both my girl and her friend liked me. Her ugly friend was so jealous she sabotaged my exes life and friendships by claiming my ex abused her mentally; her other closest friends would years later realize her ugly friend was lyin, and my ex forgave them because she was overly nice, but tbh, the damage was done and she should have just simply cut ties… her ugly friend would Later on hit on me. Real scumbag of a person. (Ugly friend did have a nice rack)

  3. I haven’t had this problem, but there was this woman who seemed overly interested and jealous of me…she copied my fashion style, obsessively checked my social media, read all my stories…**it’s like she wanted to be me.**

    Every guy I liked she went to try to have sex with them. She was a dominant, sexually aggressive person who would choose sexually submissive men to draw her claws into lol

    It was kind of amusing, I would say, I’m really into so-and-so and immediately she would try to get her hooks in him. The only guy who was never interested in her at all was someone she was trying desperately to get the attention of. It was funny how she would follow him around and try to dress in the way he liked, but still he would pay no attention to her. She had tattoos all over her body and he thought that was trashy and turned him off. He even told me that she was the kind of woman who would sleep with **any guy** at least once, and was well known for it.

    She had a history of bisexuality and I kind of think *she had a crush on me!*

  4. They are typically cancer from what I’ve seen. It’s the old saying of crabs in a bucket they see friends dating possibly engaged and they want to bring everyone down to their lonely spot.

  5. If we ever have an argument and a girlfriend has gone to the ‘ugly’ terminally single friend for advice, its always made things 100x worse and almost put things in self destruct mode.

  6. Sorry if this is political.

    But back at a previous election…20 years ago….her friend said she was voting for the democrat. Because , as she put it, “ I was adopted, so being against abortion is my number 1 issue for voting”

    All I said was “wait…”

    Turned into a 2 day fight with my ex.

  7. Invited this girl to dinner , and when she showed up with her friend (well we were both tourists in a foreign country so it made sense ) ,she was this fat grumpy rude person, she huffed and puffed the whole time , ordered all the desserts , had an extra mini table for her , insulted the waiters, and what really got me angry was her making some racial remarks about skin color , the fucked up part was that the girl (not the 🐷) actually liked me and kept apologizing and trying to fix the situation , but i have already lost interest , and tried texting me couple of weeks after that but that 🐷 face would pop-up in my head.

  8. My girlfriend’s unattractive friend picked a fight with a friend of mine because he was ignoring her. Then she created a lot of problems for me, turned people against me and got me fired for stuff that wasn’t true. I was pretty nice to her and didn’t deserve what she did.

  9. Oh boy, I’ve had my fair share of encounters with those “ugly friends” who stir up trouble. One particular experience that comes to mind was when my partner’s friend couldn’t handle the fact that I was getting all the attention. She was constantly trying to bring me down and even spread rumors about me. It was pretty infuriating, to say the least. But hey, haters gonna hate, am I right? Best thing you can do is to focus on your relationship and not let their jealousy get to you. Keep doing your thing, man!

  10. Jealous is bad, I’m often the single friend or the only guy not getting laid but I’m “graysexual” (lol it’s hard to use that term unironically, it just sounds goofy) but basically I have no motive to seek out sex or a gf. Im very happy by myself and even if I might get lonely from time to time I know I wouldn’t be a good bf anyways because I’m concentrated on a lot of different things in my life right now, when I’m interested in a girl I have to be honest with myself and admit I don’t want to dump time into a relationship and then I just move on.

  11. Oh man , wasn’t my gf but a girl in our close friend group brought her ugly friend, had to be 350 pounds and had an unfortunate face. Now, I don’t treat people differently on their appearance. I didn’t care how she looked or how much she weighed, something immediately rubbed me the wrong way about her. I found her insufferable to be around. I couldn’t stand being in the same room as her, her comments, her God awful laugh… People didn’t understand why I couldn’t stand her and I stopped coming around if I knew she was gonna be there. It came out a few months later they all realized she was a garbage person and kicked her out of the group. Turns out she got invited because people felt sorry for her because she had no friends, she didn’t have friends for a reason, she was awful.

  12. My girlfriend is gorgeous. Her roommate
    is obese and dresses in hoodies and her only makeup is thick black eyeliner. She’s actually decent looking enough in a girl next door minimalist type of way. However, her perceived looks cause her a lot of insecurity and she will lash out at men for being shallow fuckboys.

    I made an offhand comment after my sister praised my girlfriend for looking so good in the AM. I said it must be the yoga (she does morning yoga at 0500 daily and is energized and glowing after).

    Her roommate freaked out and said I was obsessed with exercise and try to shame people who don’t work out. I do enjoy talking about hiking and climbing a lot but I don’t shame others who don’t. But every comment I make might set her off. I deal with it, but some mutual friends don’t. It always causes tension.

  13. I dated a girl whose DUFF tried cockblocking the entire thing. She literally got in between us the night we met at a bar.

    The DUFF was one of those girls who knows deep down inside that she’s the DUFF. Her entire role was making her friend look hotter. She knew all that and hated it.

    She also knew (and hated) that once her friend locked someone down, the DUFF wouldn’t get access to the same quality of dates (i.e., wingmen) that she was getting before. So, she tried sabotaging her friend’s relationships.

    And in my case, it worked too. Because the DUFF crashed one too many of our dates so I dumped my gf.

  14. Mine would be the friend always calling my girlfriend when we’re trying to spend time together. She would always sit between us on outings together. She constantly called me a thief for stealing her friend from her.

  15. I dated a girl once who always insisted on asking if her gay guy bestie could come along. I didn’t give it much thought the first few dates but it persisted on.

    Dumped her. Her friend was a pretty cool dude but the co-dependancy was just too big a red flag.

  16. I’m a woman, but I recently cut off a friend that has this overall bitter mentality towards men because she was the “ugly friend” (she’s actually quite conventionally attractive btw) in certain other friend groups.

    This bitter, cynical mentality often made talking about dating with her exhausting. And well just made so many characteristics of her that were off putting make sense.

  17. Ugly friend sent anonymous texts to me declaring her undying love, I showed girlfriend and ignored them. Then received a message from same anonymous person asking to meet them somewhere at a certain time. Again, I ignored it but ugly friend decided to tell my girlfriend she was the one sending the messages as a “test” and that I’d actually gone to meet up with her. She also swore on her nieces life that this was true, anyway I was dumped and feeling pretty pissed off at this point but decided hey ho, I’ll pick myself up and carry on. About 1 week later I get a call from ex apologising for not believing me. Apparently ugly friend had swore on her nieces life about something else and my girlfriend had caught her out. She had then admitted she’d made it all up because she “saw me first” and was madly in love with me. She even had her deranged mum in on it too, backing her up. Anyway, that was 23 years ago and we’re still together, so fuck you, ugly friend.

  18. One of my ex’s friends (Big, loud, pushy, perpetually single, borderline alcoholic) constantly pressuring my 105lb gf to take shots until blackout. She would also flirt w/ me constantly. I hated when she came out w/ us

  19. These replies are sending me. I thought this was just a meme, had no idea this happens so much. Fascinating and hilarious

  20. am i allowed to answer this as the ugly friend?
    (still on your side guys)

    i was seen as the most annoying person on earth by all the crushes of my female friends. why? because they would always bring me with them to their date nights if they feel not sure yet about the dude. i was always invited unaware to those situations by following sentences. “a friend and i would like to watch a movie. would you join us?” “a few of us like to grab some takeaway. would you join us”.

    so i was hardcore thirdwheeling by accident.

    so i received a lot of really really mean comments from the dudes. my favourit “you didn’t need to bring a 300lbs airbag with you if you weren’t interessted in dating me – a simply no had done the job”

    it hurts. but i understood the anger.

  21. Just don’t like when they telling her what’s right for our relationship. Other than that I could give two fucks.

  22. Good looking girls are surrounded by not so fortunate friends. It helps them look better and the others can feed off the countless branches that fall from the tree. If you are a good looking person, you get used to people showing their jealousy. It’s not pleasant especially as you get older and teh gap is not an ocean expanse. Note, unattractive people lose their radiance when a child or in their teens. Average people lose it by their early 20’s. Good looking people look good their whole lives, so expect more ugly friends if you are a good looking person that dates good looking people – this is the norm obviously.

  23. I’m the ugly, undesirable friend without a partner and will most likely remain that way until I die.

  24. I’ve never had any bad experiences with this, seems like some Hollywood BS. Every unfortunate-looking friend I’ve known has had a heart of gold.

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