What’s one thing you hate about yourself, but your woman loves?

  1. Single at the moment, but in my last relationship I gained a lot of weight and my ex really loved it. She was really into the whole dad-bod look, but I felt I had let myself go excessively.

  2. I’m chunky and hairy… My wife loves it. She calls me a “bear man” and loves my body hair.

  3. I’m a cry baby at movies. Any type of movie where the ending is sorta sad or moving, the water works start. She finds this adorable; I find it a bit embarrassing.

  4. I grew my hair out because my ex liked it. Ended up with hair down to my shoulderblades by the time we broke up, and I immediately went back to shaving my head.

  5. I don’t like how chaotic my head is, we can be mid convo and I’ll forget the topic and also have a completely different thought dominate my brain. She says she loves how my brain works, and she’s patient with my spaceyness so much so that sometimes I feel like my flaws are endearing to her.

    I don’t hate my dick but I sometimes wish I could have a crazy monster cockasaurus, she cums when we fuck though and she calls me sexy and likes to see my dick and tells me I feel great inside her, so it’s less an insecurity and now it’s just a what if thought.

  6. My giant hands, giant and warm. Like two big meat paws. My ex loved told me they are great to hold onto for warmth. I wish they had about 30% less mass, maybe I could find some decent gloves.

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