What’s a romantic “movie moment” you’ve experienced in a relationship?

  1. My partner proposed to me on the High Line, an elevated park in New York, where we had gone together on our 2nd date 🥰

  2. Kissing in the rain but also, meeting my future-girlfriend at a carnival after my then girlfriend left

  3. My girlfriend found an adult prom for us. She made a promposal and even got my mama involved to help pick out a dress and stuff for me. It was a really magical night.

  4. Love at first sight with my man. He walked into the room, and we stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I’ll never forget that feeling.

  5. One of my ex’s took me on a date and we had dinner/drinks and he suggested going up the road to a really cool furniture/thrift shop.
    There was a beautiful piano and this guy jumps on it and plays like I have never heard anyone play. I wasn’t expecting it and it was right out of a movie.
    Everyone in the store stopped what they were doing to stand around and listen. It was amazing

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