Hello guys I am 19 years old never had gf quite inexperienced at reading girls signals. Anyways I started going out with two girl friends one is named lilly (that I have known for long time) and Denise ( that I have known little bit).

First time we hang out as a group it was outstanding. I made them laugh, they were questioning me about my love life, cracking jokes etc… we had a really good time

Second time we hang out it was a bit different. Denise was a little touchy while sitting next to me but I think thats kind of person to do, so I didn’t interpret as a signal. Crazy things began when I went to follow her home. We left lilly and it was only just two of us.

At start she asked me if I an still here next weekend (Im moving to diff town btw), Will I find a gf there, that I should send her a letter containing descriptions of those girls from that town, that she is there with all advices that I need to get a gf there.

I was like sarcastically agreeing to everything she says bcs I sensed something is off when she was telling me that so yeah I played with her about it like “maybe im gonna find a gf there you dont know what tomorrow brings maybe Ill come back and find her here in our town”

And we began to talk about people like that she expects a lot from people, that she needs to set them on distance. I was like “okay you need to watch out from bad friends and people” and she replied with “I didnt mean on that”

She also said to me that I am stupid like if all people were stupid where would the world go.

But the most questioning of all is when we commented about Lillys relationship. I asked her like does she think it will work out for them to be in love. She replied with “It will go just like it will go for both of us” That struck me like lightning. I was like what?? she replied the same sentence.

Lillys bf is quite childish he doesnt know what he wants. Me and Denise both know that. She was like he is serious about what he wants etc.. I was like what?? why does she said this about him. She said “He is so brave and know what he wants and yeah he is a man like you so you should know” That put me deep into thinking. She was like mad at me when we parted our ways. I was so confused I didn’t know what my name was. So much riddles so much unclear stuff like damn

I am constantly thinking about this maybe I misunderstood something bcs I started developing feelings for her so I overthink stuff. But first when we went out I wanted to go out like friends. This is going too fast for me so that’s why I cant say for sure that she has crush on me but we maybe charmed each other crazy so now maybe there is real chemistry going on or am I tripping. Any advice would help me and yeah sorry if Im inexperienced dont judge thanks!!

TL:DR Dont know if this girl is into me based on her behavior

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