What is up with men not making the first move?

  1. Because when we do it’s harassment, sexual harassment, rape etc etc etc… #metoo bla bla bla bla…. This kinda crap, it’s not worth the risk anymore.

  2. Eh being rejected hurts, and its scary to ask the same girl multiple times cause it can be labeled as harassment ig?

  3. High risk, low success rate.

    Better just wait for the girl to show she’s likes u then get labeled a creep/gross/rapist/predator.

    With today’s social media, that sort of talk about u can tank your life in seconds.

    Down with the patriarch and Up with the matriarch so we don’t have to make any first moves anymore! Fuck yay!

  4. More often than not, women react very strongly to unwanted advances, and most advances are unwanted.

    The women complaining about having no advances at all are certainly in the minority and the problem they have is quite small compared to everyone else.

    The other women have chosen for you and they have written the programming that men should follow. Men will follow that programming to avoid consequences.

    Men can choose to have a problem because they tried to introduce themselves, or they can have no problem with women whatsoever because they stop talking to women and stop making advances. Most men are going to choose the latter.

    We like making safe bets, and we’re tired of women being offended by everything. We’re happy to leave you alone. This is the new societal norm.

  5. bc 24/7 we’re told dont approach women at your work, dont approach women at their work, dont approach women at the gym, dont approach women if they have headphones on, dont approach women who are by themselves, dont approach women when theyre grocery shopping, dont approach women on the street

    “wHy dOn’T MeN AppRoAcH Me?”

    yeah its a real mystery

  6. Lack of confidence, being made fun of, being looked down upon, also in the new era, fear of being perceived as creeps, that is about it.

  7. Because every girl I approach has a boyfriend for some reason. I asked for directions the other day and the first thing she said was “I have a boyfriend”. I’m just convinced y’all are taken at this point.

  8. Women communicated very clearly for a long time that talking to them is not wanted.

    Even on this sub men pretend that me talking to a woman I dont know is sexual harassment.

    You reap what you sow.

  9. If a woman is interested in me, then she will make the first move anyway. If she doesn’t make the first move, then she isn’t interested. I don’t see the point in making the first move on a woman who isn’t interested in me.

  10. Why should we, I’ve heard women say over and over to, “leave us the hell alone!”

    Well, we heard then and we are doing it.

  11. Well :

    -Top tier men get away with it pretending to be blind since women expect exactly that and work out the rationalisation. Or they can actually be oblivious.

    -Average men do a cost benefit analysis and conclude it’s just not worth it.

    -Below average men just don’t have the confidence.

    And you know the fun fact ? About every point here can technically be applied to every man. Where the hell do you even approach women nowadays anyway ?

  12. Aren’t “all men creeps” ? Well you get what you asked for now do your work and get rejected and insulted as much as men.

  13. Risk of being called a weirdo, we can get accused of bad things and we’re probably going to be rejected because most aren’t making £100,000+, aren’t 6 foot or a different odd reason.

  14. Just because you are not getting approached does not mean men aren’t making the first move. Most of the time men make the first move. Women rarely do that but recently the pressure on men increased because… feminism. Not implying that’s a bad thing but we have to live with the outcomes of women empowerment.

  15. We did for generations. Then women wouldn’t stop complaining about equality nonsense. Good luck to you.

  16. It’s too easy to be labeled a bad/dangerous person so it’s probably not worth it. I feel horrible for all the single men in the world today.

  17. Because if she like me, I’m romantic and bold. If she doesn’t, I’m a creep and someone from HR wants to see me at their office.
    I think the question you’re really asking is, “Why don’t the guy I’m already interested in make the first move?”.

  18. That’s untrue, men are still expected to make a first move and as a result still do it most of the time.

    But some arguments as to why not:

    * if he’s hot then he’s making a move, if he’s not then he’s a creep
    * she’s taken
    * he’s taken
    * he’s not interested
    * she’s playing hot and cold
    * she has that one guy around and they seem inseparable
    * she has her (possibly judmental) girlfriends around
    * he’s afraid of rejection
    * he’s socially awkward

    Take your pick

    Some of those things you can do something about and make it easy for him, while with some others there’s no helping it and you’re going to have to roll up your sleeves and make a move yourself.

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