So I’m a hs senior , I’ve always been nervous today I talked to this girl who is in the same calculus class as me , we have a lot in common , and actually connected really well , I forgot to ask her for her social media , but I was able to find her Instagram , I’m confused if I should message her or follow her to talk more or wait till I see her again and ask her then? (I have always been really nervous and this was the first time a girl actually came up and started a convo with me)

  1. If you’re going to see her tomorrow in person maybe use that as an opportunity to get her socials, then it’s more spontaneous and in the moment.

    If it doesn’t work out for some reason then you can drop her a message on socials with something like ‘hey, hope you don’t mind me messaging you here. Just wanted to say it’s been nice chatting with you the last few days’. A nice touch is to bring up something you’ve discussed as well.

    Good luck.

  2. Take it easy. Wait until you see her again. No need to rush. When it comes to attraction, the key is to be timely. Being too eager is often a turn off.

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