I am twenty two . well will be 23 soon. But I already feel like I am having a mid life crisis now. Constantly keep getting the feeling that any day now I will wake up and life will be over.
I feel way to overwhelmed and worried about everything and always am like that I am out of stuff to think about.

Did it happen to you as well.

please share your experiences and thoughts.

  1. I was both very hopeful, and very depressed. I was still fresh out of the optimism of the 90s in the US, *but* I felt very insecure about my socializing. I had never had a girlfriend, and I had a lot of friends who seemed to be one-sided, and I didn’t really click with my family, but also I had just graduated from college with good grades, my professors liked me, I had a good job paying job for a 22-year old (I think it came to something like $27/hour after adjusting for inflation).

    So, I thought my future would be great, but I thought my present (present at the time) was lonely.

  2. I felt free.. no stress of financially supporting a family of 5, no kids, no marriage, just me and my bills.

    time is on your side, just address your worries.. if money is the issue, look at a career that pays well, that you can realistically transfer into it.

    enjoy 22/23.. 30 will come in the blink of an eye.

  3. I had this at 23. Freaked out completely . Realized I was getting “old”. Was scared at hell. It was awful. And dude… I’m 38 now. 😂And as weird as this will sound, turning 23 was the last age panic I had. Yea. Even turning 30. And even now being like I’ll be 40 soon. For some reason they’ve never/don’t bother/scare me as much as turning 23/24 did.

    You’ll be alright. Hell. By the time your 30 you’ll know so many folks that will have started their lives over. 23 is like a mulligan. (That’s a golf term. Which is also some bs I didn’t learn til like 30 😂)

    My advice would be if you can do good at 23 than do good, but if your not sure and still figuring things out… you got nothing to worry/be ashamed of.


  4. At 22 I was taking a year abroad living in the south of Spain. In Seville, with one of my best friends. It was a ridiculously turbulent time for us, young, dumb and broke. We lived an hour out of the city and really right next to the locals who didn’t like us very much. We assumed it was due to the fact they never really saw black people around.

    It was a combination of racism, curiosity and genuine fear with at least 2 people running away from us, some racial slurs chucked at us and some other things.

    I was at my physical peak or at least what was my physical peak of the time (I’m much bigger, stronger, etc now), got a lot of attention from the women out there but that wasn’t my focus at the time so I never acted on it. I also was put off by the thought it might have only been a fetish thing for them.

    I look back fondly on this time now, I wish I could relive it, I would do things differently but I also do not have many regrets – I would just live it again to be more present and realise how much I would miss that time when it’s gone by.

    This was 4 years ago, but alot has happened since then so it feels like yesterday but based on the amount of life experience since then, feels like at least 10 years ago.

    Live in the moment and appreciate every single day you have brother, life is short and it’s most definitely too short to keep thinking about how short it is. Just live.

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