never had a gf and barely go out unless it’s with friends, my parents are quite protective still and I live with them since I save money and they don’t really want me to move out yet

I started using tinder and stuff and found this girl about an hour away, we like each other very much and I already know if I go to visit her I’ll be questioned on where I’m going and what else

If I mention the girl I think they’d be a bit worried as one thing can lead to another but idk what else to say, only thing I’ve thought of is just saying “I want to drive around for a while”

  1. If you have a healthy relationship with your parents, and I understand not everyone does, honesty is going to be your best policy.

    Take it from this 32yo divorcee, rebuilding after my losses; even my own mom, who I have difficulties with, has been a big support in the recent months. Helps me out a lot.

    Unless they’re super controlling I think you should tell them you’ve been talking to a girl and you want to meet up with her somewhere in public.

  2. You’re an adult, it’s up to you who you spend your free time with. Not much point in telling them lies, just be upfront. If they get the hump that’s too bad. I suppose you could understand them getting bent out of shape if you were using their house to shag multiple Tinder birds, but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case 😂

  3. Something like: Mom, I’m going chill at [insert friends name] house, ill be home later tonight

  4. You’re an adult, even if you don’t feel like it.

    I think if you are able to be open enough, day you’re going to see a girl, or a friend. If they question the intention, you can say you don’t intend for things to happen, but you will be safe (protection!) And respectful if it does

    If you can’t be open, say there’s a store opening that’s to do with one of your hobbies or something

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