Teachers, moms, or other childcare professionals of Reddit, what serious health conditions, if any, have you noticed a significant prevalence of in children?

  1. Examples may include moderate to severe autism, physical, emotional, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, behavioral concerns/conditions, etc.

    Thank you for all responses/feedback!

  2. I found this an odd question but I noticed that in pediatrics particularly anxiety and depression are largely dismissed as many don’t believe kids can experience such mental health diagnosis. I find that asthma and diabetes type 1 require a lot of teaching for parents and children. (More so prevalent)

    Why do you ask

  3. Mental health issues due to the way parents react to disobedience

  4. I’m a teacher who works virtually as kind a “mentor” figure and tutor for families, and therefore I see a lot more of what goes on in my students home lives than most teachers do. I see a lot of elementary aged kid with anxiety or other mental health issues that seem directly linked to their home life and their parents behaviors.

    I talk to parents as much as I speak with my kids (or sometimes even more than I speak to the kids) and it is so completely obvious how these parents have impacted their children, emotionally and academically. It really shows me why my students are the way they are. More than anything, it’s been very depressing to witness this and know that I really can’t do much to help.

  5. I taught for 7 years and every year I had as least one kid with asthma and one with severe food allergies.

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