I am turning 30 next year and I’m feeling a bit odd about it, just because it’s the big “three-O” or whatever.. and this year, I’m feeling pretty excited about the NCAA and am ordering some new merchandise from my alma mater book store. and I saw some that said “Alumni” on them. So that’s got me thinking is that a thing? I never imagined myself getting something with it specifically indicating that I am an alumni lol! It’s a trivial question – I know, but now I’m just curious about what other Americans think about this. Made me wonder if it makes it seem like I’m trying too hard to appear young if I don’t wear alumni specific gear.

  1. I mean, if you’ve graduated you’re an alumni. I’ve never heard of there being an expectation of years passing before you’re considered official.

  2. You are overthinking it. If you want to specially show that you’re an alumni and not just a fan, get the alumni gear. But there is no requirement or expectation to “switch over”. No one will judge you for wearing the normal gear.

  3. I only see people with alumni gear who really make being an alumni part of their daily personality.

  4. My undergrad alma mater was a small school so… never! Trying to give them publicity for my own sake.

  5. Only buy specific alumni gear if you’re swarmed by bandwagoners and hate them. Since I’m 4th generation University of Alabama, and I would wipe my ass with my diploma, and also have a “The more the merrier” attitude, I don’t buy alumni gear.

  6. I really don’t get what you’re asking. Like if you graduated you’re an alum. It’s not rocket science. At the end of the day no one really gives a fuck and there’s literally 0 expectation unless you went to Texas A&M because they’re a cult

  7. When I wear any, I just wear the stuff I got while I was there. I suppose if it matters at all, most of it has a year on it somewhere and the alumni bit is pretty obvious from that at this point.

  8. Toward the end of my last semester of college, I noticed my sweatshirt with the university’s logo on it was getting pretty roughed up. So, I went to the university store to get a new one. Since I was so close to graduating, I got an alumni one, though I continued to wear the old one until I graduated. I wear the alumni one mostly when it’s particularly cold because it’s my heaviest sweatshirt.


    I also got several small items labeled ‘alumni’ when I applied for graduation, but the only one I ever use is a keychain.

  9. Never. Post-grad is a job.

    EDIT: Oh, you mean wearing gear that says “Alumni” for your undergraduate school, not when you start wearing gear of your post-grad Alma Mater. In that case wearing almuni specific gear is a personal preference thing. I think the only thing I got was a T-shirt at a random Foot Locker in the mall that was on clearance because WTF is almuni gear doing hundreds of miles off-campus.

  10. Nah, I see people in my town out for a jog in their ratty old college sweatshirts all the time.

    People automatically assume you’re alumni. Or maybe your kid goes to school there.

  11. I bought an alumni tshirt and license plate frame the week after graduation. I’m a fourth generation Auburn grad, grew up dreaming of going to auburn, and was (am) extremely proud of my accomplishment. That being said, it’s all up to personal choice! Whenever I wear auburn gear, 99 times out of 100 it doesn’t say alumni on it

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