Whenever an argument descends into personal attacks, online or irl, one person will sometimes say to the other “You’re only like this because you can’t get laid” or something like it.

Why do people do that?

It implies that sex can erase character flaws or fix faulty logic.

Does that kind of thing count as sex-negative? It seems to be since it devalues people based on it, or lack of it. Messed my head up as a teenager.

  1. I’ve always took it as “you wouldn’t be so negative if you got laid,” which implies a couple things. One, sex can be a release and relax us, so it’s another way of saying “chill the fuck out” in a way. Two, it implies that the person has been rejected by their preferred sex because of how shitty they are, and maybe if they weren’t so shitty they could find a partner and be happier.

  2. I’ve assumed it to be that some people get crabbier and more argumentative when they haven’t had sexual release in a while.

  3. First, this is based on the stereotype that people without sex get cranky. I don’t think this is a real thing. While sex can release stress and promote relaxation assuming that everyone who is without sex is cranky and that everyone who is cranky is not having sex is harmful. It not only invalidates people’s choices but it invalidates people’s anger.

    Second, it is a way to shut off the argument by making a personal attack. Is akin to saying, “What you’re saying is invalid because you are not having sex and the only valid opinions come from people who are having sex.”

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