Am I asking for too much at my current state?

I’m embarrassed, I’m 31 male and recently started improving my life again. My problems are I still live with a family member, have a part time and a bachelor degree. I have a fire in me wanting to improve in my life and I already started looking for full time jobs in hope to know what to do in my masters later on as well.

I also would like to meet friends and have a partner, I meet someone in a dating app but I’m extremely embarrassed saying I have a part time. Should I just not look for anyone while improving in life?

  1. You shouldn’t be embarrassed. There’s women out there that date guys in prison. So far, you’re a stud compared to them. And on top of that, you have a bachelor’s degree. That’s more than most guys I know. You’re more than qualified man

  2. Don’t be embarrassed at all,
    I mean you could make an excuse that your bachelors was your focus so moved back in with family while studying or something, but you shouldn’t have to.
    Don’t get me wrong, living with family is a bit of a turn off, but so is crippling financial debt so 🤷

    You’re clearly intelligent, you’d be able to date no problem. Easier to plan a life with someone that isn’t tied to their own property or job soo

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