Is it time to let her go or am I being unreasonable?

Let’s call the girl I’m with Rose.

When I first met Rose, she would do amazing things, as well as say amazing things.

Rose told me that it was not up to a woman to decide when to have sex but rather it was up to the man. She stressed that, for her, a woman was to meet her man’s needs.

She then said it was part of her personality to text the man and that it didn’t matter who texted first; if a woman loves the man she should always make the initiative to text.

She also said it was part of whom she was to call and inform her man about her whereabouts, whether she lives with him or not.

She actually put these things she claimed about herself into action and I was impressed.

But being an experienced dater, I understand it takes roughly 6 months for an individual to unmask their true colors.

So I made a list of all the things she said about herself and paid attention to see how well she could keep up with them.

The first month was fantastic as one would expect, and the second month was the same. But then in the 3 month she stopped texting, and when I intentionally refused to initiate texting to see what her response would be, she flipped and asked why couldn’t I text also, and accused me of acting like a King, someone to be worshipped.

As for sex, we haven’t had sex, but we show love for each other on FaceTime, such as getting naked and making flirtatious jokes. However, in the 3rd month she would frequently tell me she’s not in the mood for that. And when I reminded her what she told me in the beginning about always being available, she excused herself by saying that’s different, that she was referring to being physically present.

So far, she has not held up to anything she claimed about herself in the 3rd month, and I’m actually not looking for an individual to have sex with at my convenience or someone to initiate texting me. Instead, I’m having a problem with realizing she’s not the type she advertised herself to be.

If you were in my position, would you cut her off, or do you think I’m being unreasonable for judging her this way ?

  1. Not sure I would cut her off as I would expect all of those actions to fall off as well. Did you really think she could keep up that behavior. It is more of who she is after the 6 months or the break in period.

  2. Ehhhh, I think she made the mistake of listing all those things as if she saw them on a forum and figured that’s what most men want to hear lol. I assume this is a long distance relationship?

    Expecting all these things right off the bat is kind of unrealistic. The only thing that would concern me here is if we are long distance and she’s already “not in the mood” to be flirty after 2-3 months lol. Who knows, maybe she’s annoyed by you right now so she isn’t in the mood for those things until you change something, but she should be telling you this if that is the case.

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