Women of reddit, what mens hairstyles do you like the most?

  1. I was a 90s kid, so that hairstyle where the guyโ€™s bangs fall into their eyes always gets my heart pumping (think Brendan Fraser or Leonardo DiCaprio).

    Also I love long hair (past shoulder length) IF their hair is clean and healthy.

    Sadly, both of these hairstyles are uncommon for men nowadays.๐Ÿ˜ฉ

  2. I love anything from a buzzcut to surfer curls. You also can’t go wrong with a Daniel Craig/Ryan Gosling short back and sides.

  3. The majority of them are just neutral to me. There aren’t any particular favorites though there are some definite “not my favorites” in the bunch. I don’t tend to care much about hairstyles as long as it’s well maintained and makes the person wearing it happy.

  4. Long hair and maybe beards. Like Geralt of Rivia!

    I dislike the justinbiiber hairstyle or shaved bald. I see this everywhere and it`s boooring.

  5. My friends tease me for being into the โ€œOutlanderโ€ look (long hair, beard, etc) but a girl likes what a girl likes haha it works for me. If not that, then I definitely also really like some of the 70s rocker style (longish) looks. What Iโ€™m saying is I have a type๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. Dark brown, (curly) thick hair. Combined with a mustache.

    No buzz cut.

    Women spend so much money on their looks. Men could easily fly to Turkey and get hair transplants.

  7. I find it so funny that on Reddit long hair and beard is such a popular answer but I find irl the majority of women tend to like clean cut with high and tight short hair. Some of yโ€™all setting my manโ€™s up for failure ๐Ÿ˜‚

  8. big fan of the 90โ€™s skater haircuts! i especially love love when the hair gets long enough to fall onto the face. even more once it gets past the ears. for me personally, there can be a too long, but I just love parted, windswept hair. its so flattering on so many men but I never see it enough.

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