ive never been able to and attribute this to maybe partners being a little selfish or not patient. or maybe the chemistry isn’t there? or maybe there’s something wrong with me?

recently i met this awesome guy and i really want to be able to finish with him. im able to do it on my own but i haaave to be watching porn and really zoned out, which i can’t seem to do when im with a guy. do any ladies here have tips on mindset or something?

1 comment
  1. not a lady, but may want to try:

    * watching the porn with him
    * the exposure method:
    * masturbating with him in the room watching, taking notes
    * masturbating with him present, and you touching yourself with his hand on yours
    * switch it, he’s touching you, your hand guiding
    * him doing it all
    * I can’t say use these to excess, but these can get you to zone out
    * a glass of wine prior to sex
    * cannabis products, gummies or lube even
    * mushrooms

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