I met a really nice guy at the shop (he works there). I came for my order and i said my name and phone number so that he can find me in the system. I took my order and left. Later that day i saw that he followed me on Instagram. I don’t know how he found me, but probably because he had my number. I really liked him, so i texted first. We chatted a little bit (he was really nice) and that’s all. He didn’t text me next few days, so i decided to text him again and asked him out. He answered, that he would like to go out someday but not now, cause he’s busy, and that he’ll be in touch. And now – a few weeks later – not a word.
I really don’t know, whether he likes me or not and should i expect a message from him. I’ve already asked him out, so i won’t do it again.
It seems that i just have to move on

  1. Maybe visit him again where he works, chat with him and ask him out again. If he refuses or says the same thing, he may not be interested in you or don’t wanna start a relationship

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